Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Hello everyone!!! I hope you all have a splendid Merry Christmas!!! Even the ones who don't believe or celebrate  Christmas!!! There is nothing wrong in wishing you good things!!! Such as more love, more peace, more thoughtfulness, more blessings, more abundance, how can you not like that?? Be blessed!!! lol

It's a time of year when we can all be a little more thoughtful, a little more kind and a little more giving, like the fruits of the spirit which comes from knowing the way of Christ which are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We can probably all work on these a bit more in the new year!!! We may never get to perfection in our lifetime but we sure can try our best as that is what God wants from us, simply to try and when He sees us trying, then he knows where our hearts are!!!

It's also a time that we gather with friends and family and some people may be away from their loved ones or their loved ones are gone and so I pray a special blessing for those, that somehow they would have a small piece of that person or place with them to comfort them.
 Know that you are never alone, ever! Jesus is right by your side at all times,(even if you don't believe in Him, somewhere deep down you believe He is there, your spirit knows because you've been with Him before) sees and hears everything you see, feel or say and think to yourself. Know that he cares for you deeply and knows your needs and you just have to ask him for it. 
Maybe it's time that you did.
 Be thankful that Jesus was born but be thankful that He was born more than just to live, He was born to die. The Creator of the world sent his only son and He died to take your place, died specifically for you so that you could go to heaven. The only thing He ask of you is that you trust in Him, in the work was done on the cross, you only have to believe. 
When God's son died, He died taking your sins away with him so that you will no longer be guilty, you can let go of your guilt, that heavy weight that weighs on your shoulders and be free, let it go!!. How great of a Christmas present is that??? 
There is no greater gift that a holy God could give you than to give up His life for you so that you can have eternal life and live forever in heaven with Him. Will you except Him today? and if you already have then don't forget to praise Him and give Him thanks!!! :) 

Those of us who have, know of the great blessings that God gives!! We know of how gracious and understanding He really is. We know how undeserving we really are of His grace and Mercy. We know how we get things when we really don't deserve it. We know how selfless and patient He is and how everything He does is for our own good, not to restrict us but help us to grow into people fit for the kingdom of God. We are truly blessed people!!!

P.S. I've been busy making another coat!!! Woohoo!!! I think I am really going to like it!! It's a special coat, in black and off white with touches of gold in it. Lined in black and gold. I can't wait to show you guys when I finish it!!! Hopefully I can finish it between Christmas and new years! Excited to wear it!!!

You guys are soooooo awesome and I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you that support my blog and all the great comments I've had!!!! Have a great Christmas and a happy New Year!!!!! xox,

  Lee Anne