Older paintings

"Chance and Dillon"
12 x 16  acrylics on canvas  (sold)
December 2014
One of my favorite paintings

These few painting were painted on ratemydrawing.com , some are recent, some are older.
"My grandchibby!!!"
This is downloaded from ratemydrawing.com and it does not download the whole picture unfortunately 

New painting, the beautiful model, I do not know who she is but I thought she would make a nice painting. November 16, 2013
"The beautiful blonde model"

The reference pic I used.

I haven't painted in a while but here is a new painting I just did Oct. 12, 2013
"My back yard mist"

This is the reference I used of my backyard that I took recently.

These are all my paintings and drawings 
My painting
"The little red table"
painted in Photoshop
March 3, 2013

Inspiration picture I found online

"Grandma's kitchen"
Dec. 2012
many hours...lots of work...didn't like making this much
I could have worked more on this but I got tired of it
my inspiration picture is below

Inspiration picture for above

"Backyard"  Dec. 2012

"Aldric's Scenery"
Another friend that is a photographer and I got permission to paint his scenery

"Sandra's boat"
My cousin Sandra is a photographer and takes tons of pictures and I know she doesn't mind me using them as references and so I use a lot of her pictures.

                                                     "The model"

"Eastern bluebird"


My very first "real"  drawing, 1984

"At the cabin"

"Love came down"
Inspired by the song "Love came down" by Brian Johnson

                                                          "My calculator" colored pencil
                                      Pretty hard to tell what you will draw when you are bored! lol

"my hand"  pencil drawing

                                         "Renette" My daughter's pretty best friend

                                                              "Sandra" My cousin
                                                        One of my first colored pencil

Sandra's wedding

"Sandra's bottles" digital painting

Cutie pie, "Sandy Rose"

"Lauren Sophia as Marilyn Monroe"

"Big ole tree"

                                                 "Vicky in bubbles"

" For your feet"

"Princess Madison"


"Feet in the ocean"

"My blond days" Self portrait

"Just a rose"

"Sandra's bottles"

"Cara and Minou"
My first pencil drawing, not very good but she loved it and had it on her wall for a long time...she probably still has it up!! Time for a new drawing for her! lol

"Roses in the mirror"  still life

"teddy bear"

Original photo

"Leopard" pencil drawing 1984

"following the light"

                                                         "White tiger"


  1. Wow, Lee Anne! These are AMAZING!!! I think it's really interesting, too, how people who sew clothes often have other complementary artistic talents. I can decorate beautiful bakery-style cakes (although I haven't done so in years) and have longed to plunge into woodworking and finally got started last year. I don't think I can draw to save my life though.

  2. Thanks Kathy!! Being artistic comes in many forms and you definitely have it!! and yes I've seen that too that people who sew clothes have many other artistic talents, funny how that is.

  3. Lee Anne ,how beautifully talented you are ! I have really been impressed with many of your sewing creations,and have just checked out your art work ! It is EXCELLENT,especially your portraits . I love them !! I painted a bit in oils for a few years,but would be ashamed to compare my work to yours ! You should really get your work out there ~~get a few art showings arranged ! You are to good to be kept a secret !

    1. Thank you Nancy, I very much appreciate your comment and your enthusiasm on my portraits!!! I do love painting or drawing portraits that is for sure! I am very sensitive to paint fumes and so I turned to painting with a paint program on the computer. I could print them out but it is just not the same as oils or acrylics or watercolor... I have dabbled with watercolor as there are no fumes but I just can't seem to get in the "groove" of it yet... I should really try though. I see a lot of paintings being sold for a lot of money and I think, I should do that, but I haven't yet but you never know. THANKS AGAIN FOR THE LOVELY COMPLIMENTS!!!
      P.S. I'm sure you are being way to hard on yourself about your own paintings. Practice makes perfect! I have been doing this since I was sixteen years old...off and on :)

  4. truly enjoyed your blog. you are very talented.

  5. you are truly talented Lee Ann

  6. Great work! I LOVE the white tiger!

  7. so gifted Lee Anne.........


I appreciate all comments, Thanks for stopping by!!!