Hello everyone, it has been a little while since my last post. I have been busy with the holidays and trying to get my house back in order.
Being as craft oriented as I am I can accumulate a LOT of stuff!!! And then I have nowhere to put it as my house is not very big! So I (and my husband) lol have been trying to come up with solutions to find more space to stash my paint, fabric,canvas’s, markers, fabric, pencils, rulers, fabric, thread, notions, fabric, sewing machines, books, fabric, brushes, ironing board and iron…etc etc, etc…..you get the picture….oh did I mention I need room for fabric??? hehehe. And that is not including my custom made drapery business things such as a large cutting table and office supplies etc.!!!
We are still working on some house renovations and would love to have a bathroom off of the master bedroom and so my “junk” has to move and a bit of rearranging has to happen! We also would like to add on a porch to the house, we will see. Time and money will have to come together!! :)
I just put the finishing touches on my jacket today! I was so excited to finish it so I could wear it!! There is just something exciting about putting on something new!
Leon took the pictures and voila, here it is!!! What a perfect day to take pictures!! The sun was out but still getting snow flurries off and on
This jacket is made of 100% cotton with a good quilt batting inbetween (not the fluffy kind but the solid more expensive kind, not sure what it is called) The white is a textured vinyl. Looks like leather.

Each piece is quilted separately with metallic silver thread. Not easy to do as the thread will break many times! Quite annoying.
This piece shows the shaping of the jacket. I have never bought a jacket that was shaped to my body and so this is very nice for me to wear. I have always found that jackets would never fit well at the bust or back. Having a sway back and large hips, store bought jackets never have quite enough room in the butt area and bags out at the small of the back and the princess seam fitting at the bust is always shapeless it seems. Being able to design my own I can eliminate that problem and I can have a curvy fitted jacket which I love!
I wanted white fur to put on it because you can’t have a “Frozen” jacket without white fur right??
Well at 35 dollars a meter and it is fake fur besides!! I won’t be using it too many times!!! haha Good thing I only bought 1/2 meter!!! Yikes!!! I lined the inside of my hood and cuffs with it, it feel deliciously luxurious. Feels like baby bunny fur! Don’t worry, it is fake!! :)
I had some white fur lined boots that I have had a few years to go perfectly with this jacket.

I don’t know if you can see this but there are criss-cross metallic thread on the back side seams sewn by hand!! Can you say work and sore fingers!!!??? It took forever and I had big blisters on the end of my fingers trying to pull that metallic thread through!! Ouch! lol The metallic thread takes a larger needle and is much harder to go through three layers. Besides that if I had of been a bit smarter and less lazy I would have looked for my thimble!! (Sheepish grin)
I know, you don’t feel a bit sorry for me do you?? lol