Thursday, February 28, 2013

Purple hat with paisley print

Hello everyone, I made another hat and I found some paisley print fabric that I had on hand and I hot glued it on. Here it is…

Even this color goes well with my coat that I made!!





purple hat_0426

purple hat_0428

purple hat_0432


purple hat_0444

purple hat_0434

See you later, have a groovy day!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Best little lace aqua shrug video you`ve ever seen!!!

      lol  I`m right aren`t I????  You've never seen anything like this I bet.  hahaha
Well I did it again, I made another cheesy video, but at least I made it!! I can only get better I figure. lol
It is unbelievable the amount of time that has to go into making these little videos..It is a lot of work, editing these videos is tedious work especially when you are a newbie. I've had to watch this video so many times while editing that I'm completely sick of it!!! hahaha  I know you professionals are probably saying, I can see why...... BUT I'm learning a lot and that's a good thing.

    I got lazy and used an old pattern that I had on's ancient, it's ancient enough that it's back in style. hehehe  I had this lace fabric that is also ancient enough that I can't remember where I got it....that could have been yesterday with my fibromyalgia memory though! lol (anyone with FM that has memory problems knows what I'm taking about, it's something you want to cry about but you may as well laugh and "enjoy" it whenever you can!! lol) Yes that "enjoy" was sarcastic!

    I used my Canon Rebel T3i for this I pleased with it? YES! Am I pleased with the way I handle it? NO lol  BUT I did learn that my camera has a feature on it that I can set it to "face find" so it will focus on a person. Now I didn't do this in this video and it shows... the images are not clear as the should be, too bad I only figured this after the fact.

I think as a newbie, you have to make cheesy videos to get it out of your system. It's just the way it is. You have to try all the different gadgets that is available in your editing program. So my next video I'm going to try something a bit more professional looking...hopefully!! no promises!! lol

I hope you enjoy my videos....if not I'll have to stop making them because it's too much work! lol

Until next time...Adios amigos

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Magic apron!!!

Hi guys!! It's been a while since I last posted. I was going to post this a few days ago but we had 5 boys that went fishing in a storm and the boat sank and that has been on my heart and so I didn't feel it proper to post anything right away. They haven't found them yet, hope seems gone for them to be found since this is the 3 day they've been in icy windy weather.
Hopefully this will be a wake up call to the captains of the boats to use wisdom when deciding to go out in this awful weather we have been having... God be with the families of these 5 guys all under the age of 30ish!!! . So sad.

On a brighter note, I made an apron! lol I needed an apron and so I thought I'd make it for Valentine's day. It is made of 100% cotton. I didn't use a pattern but just kind of measured..well eyeballed it and cut it out. I cut out the neckline in a heart shape and added some straps and apron...but it's a special apron, a magic

Watch this video to find out why!!

OK  so it's not really magic but so what??? It's reversible and that's just as good hehehe
I thought it was a great video shot!! I know my video's are probably terrible to a professional and they are probably laughing their heads off!! hahaha   That's ok, at least I'm trying!!! I"m practicing my shots and messing around with my new camera, trying to figure out what makes it tick, I love to learn new things!! Oh by the way, you guys are probably in for some weird video's will I'm learning! lol

I just bought a new Canon Rebel T3i!!! Yes baby!!! I don't know how to use it properly yet but I'm willing to learn, and when you are willing to learn, I believe you can do anything...well almost.
Anyhows, I am working on another video right now...hopefully I can post it next week sometimes. My bestest friend is going on vacation this week...I'm sure I'll miss her like crazy but I'll keep myself busy making clothes with all the fabric I bought at Fabricville last week! Buy one meter of fabric get 2 free, I love those buys!! I want to make shorts, capri's, spring jacket's, dresses, etc... hard to tell what I"ll come up with...I don't even know...I'm kind of like a hmmm uhm.... spur of the moment girl?  there's a word for me I just can't think of it right now lol, You wise guys don't have to answer either!! lol
 Whatever takes my fancy on that day is what I'll do so it's a surprise to me exciting and fun!!!

That's it folks...until next time!! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine’s day!!!! Song for you!!!!

 It's that time to get really mushy
Love is in the air, it’s Valentine’s day tomorrow!!!
If not, well fake it and pretend that love is in the air and it just might come….
or  maybe this post will get you into the mood!!!
If your significant other isn’t a romantic type maybe you could give yourself a little romance.
Light a candle, take a bubble bath by candle light. Wear something that makes you feel good. Decorate your house with flowers, hearts and pretty things that you love!!!. Set a fantastic table!!!
Make a great meal, your hunny will not be able to resist it!!!
                                                          Hubby and I

Here’s a little mood music that I did for you all. Hope you enjoy it!!! Thanks for watching!!!

The song is “Going to the Chapel” Cover song

Aren’t they adorable??? peanut butter and jelly heart sandwiches!! awwwww
Make some for your kids for a special treat!!!

Perfect day to give your sweetheart a ring!!! I hope my daughter’s boyfriend see’s this!! lol

Give your hunny and empty box and when they question why they have an empty box,
tell them that’s how you’d feel without them in your life. awwwww   

I hope you all have a great and wonderful Valentine's day!!! xoxoxox

P.S. I love you

Friday, February 8, 2013

Emerald city, fabric designs


Here are some fabric patterns I created. The solid colors are pantone’s color trends for 2013

These fabric’s would be great for all you warm based people, especially blondes!!


bright windy day

Bright windy day                                                                                                          

This would make a nice tank top or dress for spring.


ditigal emeralds

digital emerald lime checks

  picture a purse in a vinyl fabric with black or gold trim. Why not

add some rubber boots to go with the raincoat down below!


zesty emerald drops

zesty emerald drops 

How about a rain coat in this print, sure would brighten your

rainy day!!!                          


Soft flowy crepe pants in this emerald green.

Emerald burst

Emerald Emerald burst

A beautiful silky polyester top to go with those crepe pants!!

Accessories with black chunky jewelry or gold if you prefer!!



Any of these would work with some of the patterns above.

city lines

                             city lines    

  lime checks                              

   Lime check 


    lemon zest                                                      

lemon zest      



 Limey chalk                                                            

limey chalk



Emerald zest

Emerald zest                                                                                                         

Textured sweater


green shoots

  green shoot

  fitted dress

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Spring rain fabric and fashion designs

Hello peoples, I made some more fabric samples….and I went the extra step and designed a couple of fashion illustration outfits with the fabric I designed.
Here they are
This fabric series is called “IN THE RAIN”
blue rainblue violet swirls
Blue                                                                                      Blue-violet swirls
navy rainMisty rain
Navy                                                                                       Misty rain
rain swirlsviolet
big rain swirls                                                                      Violet

spring rain outfit
fabric blue-violet swirls was used for the top and Misty rain was used for the skirt.
spring rain dress
For this dress, big rain swirls was used and blue fabric was used for the inserts.

We can’t get away from those spring rains….. so we may as well enjoy them!!!!
Hope you have a early springy kind of day!!!