Now this is screaming country charm!! I found this cute fabric at the used clothing store in my favorite fabric bin! It is not really “my style” but my sister sure likes it!!! (Sorry Cara, but I already promised her she could have it when she comes home from Alberta in May BUT if it doesn’t fit her you can have it!!!)
This fabric was not printed correctly. The border was on the wrong selvage, not with the stretch but against the stretch and so I had to do magic to work it into the design. I cut the border into wedges and sewed them all together to make a “new” border and so I used the rest of the fabric with the stretch going across the body which worked out great!! Sorry if this is confusing those who don’t sew but it’s too difficult to explain without having a whole chapter on it! lol

This is a flower I had kicking around here for like forever!!! You know, one of those things you keep hanging on to thinking you may use it someday? I didn’t know what I was ever going to use it for and trust me I’ve tried to use it many times for different projects and it just never seemed right…..until now, I think it goes perfectly with the dress and adds just that right touch!
This is ribbon I had bought at La Shoppe a Slu when the store closed and I bought a whole bunch of left over ribbon (Yes I know a lot of you English people can’t pronounce that name! It’s Slu with a french EU lol )
It just happened to match the flower perfectly!

I wish I had some little cowboy boots to go with this…but I don’t :(
Pretty short Lee Anne!! Wouldn’t want to get into a puff of wind with that dress!!!
Yes, yes I do!!!
I suppose I could wear them with some leggings but still, I think a puff of wind would be better!!
How else could I show off the cute little matching shorts I made!!?? lol
I took all these pictures and then realized that I hadn’t ironed the bottom of the dress yet!!! Oops!!! Oh well, you guys will have to deal with my wrinkled skirt! lol
Shorts with the sweater I made last year
Make up I chose to go with this dress. Soft brown pinks, blue and gold
Matching nails!
That’s it folks we are at the end. Hope you have a great day!!! :)
P.S. I just bought an old wooden desk/bureau for the bedroom!!! Another refurbish job!!! Yay for me!!! :)))) Pretty busy with work right now with blinds, valances, alterations and window seat pillows. I just find it so funny how people are. We are creatures of habit for sure. In business you can be slow for a while and then all of a sudden everyone is calling you!!??lol
I owned a little video store some years back and it was the same thing, it could be dull all day and then one person would show up and then everyone would just rush in at the same time to rent their movies. I’m sure it happens with most businesses. If only would could pace everyone out... :) But thank God we have jobs!!! :) And if you don’t and you need one then I pray that you find a good one!!!
II Corinthians 9:8 NIV
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work
Have faith
Deuteronomy 8:18 NIV
But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
Have faith
I Thessalonians 5:16-19 NIV
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances; this is the will of God for your life.
Have faith
Ecclesiastes 11:4 AMP
He who observes the wind [and waits for all conditions to be favorable] will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.
Have faith
I Thessalonians 5:16-19 NIV
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances; this is the will of God for your life.
Have faith
Smokin’ hot?

cough, cough, cough I don’t know where all this smoke is coming from…..I must have burnt something!!? hahaha
I am loving my new outfit for Spring!!! C’est vrais!!! This is a fabric I got at Fabricville, Halifax NS. The feel is like a second skin, it’s so soft and peachified!! Yes that’s a new word!! check it out, it’s in the dictionary!! :P (translators, peachified means that it is really soft like the skin of a peach, just said in a funny way, hehehe)
AND it matches my bedroom colors!!! How cool is that!!?? My bedroom theme is Peacocks And Paris for those of you that do not know. It’s not finished yet (I’ve asked the husband 3 times to finish the windows but it’s not done yet…I’m hoping that after he is done fishing he’ll do it…..or else, I’ll try to do it myself, he’ll take over in a hurry, that will get it done! Ladies, this is a secret trick, lol) but I will show you some pics as soon as I get it half in order which might be a while now because I’m pretty busy with work…no time to play….well almost no time but I always have to leave a little room for play. Isn’t that a good idea? :) All work and no play makes Lee Anne a dull seamstress…and we can’t have that!
Colors are bright teal blue, green ferns, dark brown and cream, yellow and golds and a bit of white

My teal feather dollar store earrings are perfect with the outfit!
Pants are from Joe Fresh for 16 dollars :)

Fashion!!!man!!!Fashion!!! :)
“This girl is on fire”!!! Well ok, maybe not but something is!!! lol
I can wear this top with leggings or dress pants or jeans in a wide variety of colors.
This top is made as a cowl neck but I can tie one or two shoulders for a different look.
The bottom of the top has 4 points and has a cowl neck in the back also.
Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colours burst
Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah"
You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe
You don't have to feel like a wasted space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow
Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
And when it's time you'll know
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July”

I can wear my belt as a necklace or my necklace as a belt… I got it at the dollar store.

Oops what is this is? I think I was feeling a little bit Gypsy or gangsterish!! lol Hey but it’s a great color and it goes well with my new outfit!! Anyways, don’t mess with me! I is tough :p
See, this is my necklace belt.
Baby you’re a firework, come on let your colors bust….. I got you singing again! Singing is good for the soul!!

And here is the whole ensemble, drum role please?

The matching skirt!! I love to make them separate so that I can make different outfits from them!

Headband from the dollar store.
Peacock hair clip from for a $1.29 that I ordered along with my lighting kit
Purchased top from Avon I believe. Scarf is from the Pharmasave in Pubnico. Flower from the dollar store. Got to love the dollar store!! Yes, some might call me cheap but hey, why buy something that cost a fortune if you can have the same look for less?? I’m not the type of person to want to wear something over and over and so I don’t want to pay a fortune for it! I LOVE CHANGE!!! Change of hair, change of clothes, change of purse, shoes, makeup, hair accessories, crafts, songs, places to go, people to see, things to do, entertainment etc. etc. etc. even changes in life sometimes…. even though those can be pretty hard sometimes but sometimes they are good for us!
Matching peacock nails and eyes
Teal greens,blues and brown

Nails by moi (aka me)
On to a more serious note
We had a pretty sad week this week, my sister/mother like friend Heather Rhyno, passed away on April 27,2014. She and her husband Gerry were on a cruise to see the world when Heather had a major heart attack somewhere around Bermuda and her life was taken at the young age of 55 years of age. She will be greatly missed by all who loved her!!!
These pictures were taken in Digby, NS a few years back.
Heather being silly, posing for me to take her picture.

We have many great memories with Heather and Gerry
Heather gave the greatest of hugs, when she hugged you she hugged you with all her heart as a matter of fact, I think she did everything with all her heart.
When she cooked a meal, it was good!!! I don’t think we ever went to her house for a meal that it wasn’t good and we had a LOT of meals at their house. We got the full deal with meat and cheese potatoes with gravy,veggies,pickles, beets and always desserts, usually more than one! hahaha Lots of Sundays after church we would be invited there for dinner and then probably play some new game they had just learned and then curl up on the couch and rest and talk about all kinds of things or take a nap, whichever came first or at least Gerry did! lol
When my daughter Cara went to the vocational school, instead of Cara having to travel or find someplace to stay while she went to school, Gerry and Heather asked her to stay with them since they were close to the school. They took her in so willingly and we will always be grateful for what they did, especially Heather having had no children of her own and taking on a messy teenager was quite a special thing.
So many times we were invited into her home and made to feel just like we were in our own home, actually they just gave us a place to crash anytime we needed it or sometimes we would stay in their house while they were away to look after their house and feed their dog sailor. It makes us so sad to think she won’t be there anymore.
She was buried today with a lot of people there saying goodbye but it’s not the last of the hugs we will get from her. We shall see her again in heaven. Heather was a member of the Salvation Army church and she loved it there! She believed in Jesus and knew where she was going when she died and so we will wait until we see her again and then there will be lots of hugging going on in heaven!!! But until then we will all miss her and her great hugs!!! So this is not goodbye my beautiful friend, it’s see you later, with all our love, we will never forget you! xox