Saturday, May 9, 2015

Fell bang smack dab, right into crochet!!!


yellow crochet top

I found this pattern on Pinterest and I made it I did not use the same yarn as

recommended as I did not have it on hand but I used the Red Heart comfort

size medium 4 in yellow. This was a bit more bulky and so it made it slightly larger and

so I had to tweak the pattern a bit. I found that the neckline was way to low and

it looked a bit strange and so with a double crochet I filled in the front. I first single

crocheted the neckline and then I started just below the shoulder with a slip stitch

and then a single crochet, a half double crochet and then the full double crochet in

order to get it to make a gradual curve. I then double crocheted to the opposite side

with the double crochet, half double crochet, single crochet and slip stitch. Chain one

to turn and continue with the slip st., single crochet, half double crochet and double

crochet. Do this until you are satisfied with the amount you have built up. I also added

a single crochet around the edges of the sleeve. I then chained 4 and skipped one

single crochet and slipped stitched in the next to make a lacey edge.  I found it a bit too bulky

at the shoulders as I have big shoulders it didn’t look right on me and so I made a chain

rope by chaining a length to go around the chest/ shoulder part and single crocheted into

this chain. I then with the hook still in the loop, took this chain and wrapped it around the

shoulder/ chest area and slipped stitched it in place, chain one and cut yarn and pull through.

Same for both sides. I also single crocheted all around the bottom.



Pinterest pattern



yellow crochet top 4

My pattern


I may or may not have made it exactly like the Pinterest pattern, I have no clue!!

This is my first crocheted top ever!! Actually, I have made very little in crochet. I

learned to crochet as a little girl of probably 7 or 8 as I watched my mother teach

my older sister how to crochet and next thing you know I was crocheting but I

can’t remember actually making something with it, it was more just playing around….

anyways, I didn’t do it much and then when I was 14 I made a baby blanket and that

was pretty much it. I think it’s  like riding a bike, once you know it you don’t forget it.

I have a great long term memory and I remembered how to make some of the stitches….

but short term…forget it!! I can’t remember what I had yesterday for breakfast and uhm…sometimes today!! lol

yellow crochet top 5 


yellow crochet top 2


I have no idea why I started crocheting….I am sitting here trying to

think what caused me to start and I am coming up with nothing except

I saw yarn at Walmart and a crochet hook and it was cheap and so I bought it.

Hey always good to have yarn and a crochet hook in the house, cause you

never know what you’ll need it for when you are bored. I was staying at my daughter’s

house when this happened, making a quilt at the time… Like making a quilt should be

enough right? NOPE not for me

I have A.D.D of the creative mind is all I can say…. It amazes me how

quick my mind and desires can change!!! Like really!!! I was supposed

to be painting on fabric, I have been dreaming and thinking of painting

on fabric and making clothes with my “paintings” and here I am

crocheting and fabric painting is on hold!!? What’s up??? I didn’t plan this, but I am having fun!!!



Here I am wearing it with a skirt I made and doodled on with markers

and paint. Music theme




I am pretty thankful for my creative talents, I don’t know why I have so many

but I really enjoy them!!!! :)




Next thing you know, I have started an afghan!!! What have I embarked on??,

I don’t know! Will I ever finish it??? Maybe hehehe




Some of my favorite colors. Teals, white, black, pink and a touch of yellow. Simple to do,

just a series of double crochets and chains.

It will go on my bed. I have lots more plans…curtains, stool, pillows etc. but

we will have to see if I get this one completed first! ha!


I gave the fever to my daughter who is home visiting for a few weeks with her 7 week old son Brody,

my cutie pie grandson. Love this guy!!!


I showed her the basic steps and she went “right to town” and made two very pretty dish clothes.

One for me and one for Brody’s other beautiful grandma for mother’s day! Yay us!!

(Hopefully my daughter will have given it to her before she sees this!!) :)
Now she is thinking hard about making an afghan! Big project!!


This one is mine and I enjoyed it very much taking pictures of it. Perfect gift for me :)


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Now how do you suppose i’m going to use and ruin a dishcloth this pretty???


Happy first mother’s day to my daughter and to all of you out there,

I hope your mother’s day is wonderful. I know mine will be as I get to spend one more

week with my daughter and grandson before they go back home.


Ephesians 6:1-3 ESV

1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

2 "Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise),

3 "that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land."


P.S.  Nice to see Russia coming in third to see my blog, with Canada and U.S.A coming in first and second!

Also nice to see United kingdom, Germany, France, Australia, China, Ukraine and Poland! Thanks for the support!!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

A mother’s new dress and my gorgeous model!!!

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since my last post, I have been busy being a mother and grandmother!!! My daughter had a healthy beautiful baby boy on March 14th 2015. He weighed 8lbs 6 oz. I  stayed with her from February 25 to April 7.
Brody Andrew was born 1 week later than his due date at the Canmore hospital in Alberta Canada and ended up being born via C-section. His mom had a bit of a hard time with being in labour and not dilating. She ended up trying to have an epidural for over an hour where they stuck a needle in her back at least 20 times while she begged them to stop, where she was told not to move, and this was the best way for her…???  Should of took a picture of the needle marks and bruising on her back. I am sure there was no need of trying THAT many times…  After and hour of figuring out it wasn’t working they put her to sleep and took the baby out. I think that borders on torture and they should have never tried that long. I am sure after a few tries they could have figured out that it wasn’t working for her. She was told that because of her short stature and the curve of her spine with her big belly she could not get her back rounded the way she was supposed to be….
But after all that everything was great, he is so adorable you just want to stare at him all day. His dad and I, not dry eyed, got to see him first. It was a special moment to see a new part of your bloodline brought to life and he looked so perfect. Such a blessing and miracle of life!!!

So after all that, I was supposed to go home earlier but we decided that it was best that I stay a while longer to help mama as she wasn’t allowed any heavy lifting or driving for 4 to 6 weeks and daddy was still in school as he is just finishing a course as an electrician which he passed with flying colors!!! Thankfully I was able to change my plane ticket back to NS for a small fee and the difference of the plane ticket when I bought it, to the new date that I would be leaving. It was really sad to leave this but yet it was nice having my own life back. This is the longest I have ever been away from home! I have always been a person who likes to be home but I think I am getting better at it… I missed my husband, my cats, my bed and my friends!!

So during my visit I was going to make myself a dress……but my daughter liked the colors too much and it got turned into her dress lol

Cara in her new maxi dress
Here are the pictures I took two weeks after the baby was born. She is an absolute gorgeous mother and model!!!

Cara in her new maxi dress 2

Cara and Brody 2


 Cara and Brody 3

“How’d I get so lucky, lucky lucky me” I kept singing this song as I was editing my pics…now I don’t believe in luck because I know where all things come from and I know I am truly blessed with a nice home, husband that thinks I am great, two beautiful children and two beautiful grandchildren.

James 1:17

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.


You need-

4 large t-shirts

a sewing machine

thread to match


Cut the first fabric of choice under bust leaving enough for seam. Leave sleeve or cut them out. Fit at shoulders and underarm and sew. Cut next  three fabrics just under armholes. sew each piece together going from lightest to darkest color or visa versa.  Enjoy your dress!!!

Looks like I am going to have to buy myself 4 more t-shirts! lol                                                                                                                      

Have a beautiful evening, morning, day, night where ever you are in this world!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My frozen jacket

Hello everyone, it has been a little while since my last post. I have been busy with the holidays and trying to get my house back in order.

Being as craft oriented as I am I can accumulate a LOT of stuff!!! And then I have nowhere to put it as my house is not very big! So I (and my husband) lol have been trying to come up with solutions to find more space to stash my paint, fabric,canvas’s, markers, fabric, pencils, rulers, fabric, thread, notions, fabric, sewing machines, books, fabric, brushes, ironing board and iron…etc etc, etc… get the picture….oh did I mention I need room for fabric??? hehehe. And that is not including my custom made drapery business things such as a large cutting table and office supplies etc.!!!

We are still working on some house renovations and would love to have a bathroom off of the master bedroom and so my “junk” has to move and a bit of rearranging has to happen! We also would like to add on a porch to the house, we will see. Time and  money will have to come together!! :)

I just put the finishing touches on my jacket today! I was so excited to finish it so I could wear it!! There is just something exciting about putting on something new!

Leon took the pictures and voila, here it is!!! What a perfect day to take pictures!! The sun was out but still getting snow flurries off and on



This jacket is made of 100% cotton with a good quilt batting inbetween (not the fluffy kind but the solid more expensive kind, not sure what it is called) The white is  a textured vinyl. Looks like leather.
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Each piece is quilted separately with metallic silver thread. Not easy to do as the thread will break many times! Quite annoying.
This piece shows the shaping of the jacket. I have never bought a jacket that was shaped to my body and so this is very nice for me to wear. I have always found that jackets would never fit well at the bust or back. Having a sway back and large hips, store bought jackets never have quite enough room in the butt area and bags out at the small of the back and the princess seam fitting at the bust is always shapeless it seems. Being able to design my own I can eliminate that problem and I can have a curvy fitted jacket which I love!
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I wanted white fur to put on it because you can’t have a “Frozen” jacket without white fur right??

Well at 35 dollars a meter and it is fake fur besides!! I won’t be using it too many times!!! haha Good thing I only bought 1/2 meter!!! Yikes!!!  I lined the inside of my hood and cuffs with it, it feel deliciously luxurious. Feels like baby bunny fur! Don’t worry, it is fake!! :)


I had some white fur lined boots that I have had a few years to go perfectly with this jacket.

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I don’t know if you can see this but there are criss-cross metallic thread on the back side seams sewn by hand!! Can you say work and sore fingers!!!???  It took forever and I had big blisters on the end of my fingers trying to pull that metallic thread through!! Ouch! lol The metallic thread takes a larger needle and is much harder to go through three layers. Besides that if I had of been a bit smarter and less lazy I would have looked for my thimble!! (Sheepish grin)

I know, you don’t feel a bit sorry for me do you?? lol


And warm!!! Wow, it is warm!!! I went shopping with it on and I couldn’t wait to leave the store!!

I got a compliment on it from the first person who saw it! She said, Wow, you have a nice jacket! I said thanks, she said, knowing you sew and make jackets you probably made it did you? I said, probably and we laughed.


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I found the perfect match for a scarf at Le Chateau, I really like it with my jacket.
I have to say, this is probably my favorite jacket so far… I’m sure there will be more though…

Thank you for your interest in the things I make, I really appreciate all the compliments and encouragement you guys give!! like wow, makes a person feel great!!! :)

God has blessed me so much with these talents, it is breath taking at times, I feel overwhelmed sometimes with wonder at it all, and I often ask God why I have sooo many things I like to do, it is almost too much at times and it confuses me.
I get a lot of compliments and a lot of people ask me why I have so many talents and really I don’t know exactly why, it sure isn’t anything I have done. I know I have a lack of fear of trying things which I guess that is good, you can’t do something if you are too afraid to try. I can’t give myself gifts and talents.
I do know one thing, when you are complimenting me you are actually complimenting God because HE is the one who gives talents and gifts and every good thing.

1 Timothy 6:17 New International Version (NIV)

 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 English Standard Version (ESV)

4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.

James 1:17 English Standard Version (ESV)

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.