Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Hello everyone!!! I hope you all have a splendid Merry Christmas!!! Even the ones who don't believe or celebrate  Christmas!!! There is nothing wrong in wishing you good things!!! Such as more love, more peace, more thoughtfulness, more blessings, more abundance, how can you not like that?? Be blessed!!! lol

It's a time of year when we can all be a little more thoughtful, a little more kind and a little more giving, like the fruits of the spirit which comes from knowing the way of Christ which are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We can probably all work on these a bit more in the new year!!! We may never get to perfection in our lifetime but we sure can try our best as that is what God wants from us, simply to try and when He sees us trying, then he knows where our hearts are!!!

It's also a time that we gather with friends and family and some people may be away from their loved ones or their loved ones are gone and so I pray a special blessing for those, that somehow they would have a small piece of that person or place with them to comfort them.
 Know that you are never alone, ever! Jesus is right by your side at all times,(even if you don't believe in Him, somewhere deep down you believe He is there, your spirit knows because you've been with Him before) sees and hears everything you see, feel or say and think to yourself. Know that he cares for you deeply and knows your needs and you just have to ask him for it. 
Maybe it's time that you did.
 Be thankful that Jesus was born but be thankful that He was born more than just to live, He was born to die. The Creator of the world sent his only son and He died to take your place, died specifically for you so that you could go to heaven. The only thing He ask of you is that you trust in Him, in the work was done on the cross, you only have to believe. 
When God's son died, He died taking your sins away with him so that you will no longer be guilty, you can let go of your guilt, that heavy weight that weighs on your shoulders and be free, let it go!!. How great of a Christmas present is that??? 
There is no greater gift that a holy God could give you than to give up His life for you so that you can have eternal life and live forever in heaven with Him. Will you except Him today? and if you already have then don't forget to praise Him and give Him thanks!!! :) 

Those of us who have, know of the great blessings that God gives!! We know of how gracious and understanding He really is. We know how undeserving we really are of His grace and Mercy. We know how we get things when we really don't deserve it. We know how selfless and patient He is and how everything He does is for our own good, not to restrict us but help us to grow into people fit for the kingdom of God. We are truly blessed people!!!

P.S. I've been busy making another coat!!! Woohoo!!! I think I am really going to like it!! It's a special coat, in black and off white with touches of gold in it. Lined in black and gold. I can't wait to show you guys when I finish it!!! Hopefully I can finish it between Christmas and new years! Excited to wear it!!!

You guys are soooooo awesome and I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you that support my blog and all the great comments I've had!!!! Have a great Christmas and a happy New Year!!!!! xox,

  Lee Anne

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Beautiful purple lace dress with matching sweater!!!


I was in need of something pretty, comfortable and warm…always warm for winter because I hate to be cold! I didn’t have anything that fit the bill and so I had to sew something up.

I had this ugly plain purple long sleeved shapeless thick T-shirt that I don’t even know where it came from. It may have been my husbands, I don’t know but this is what I made with it.

Sorry, I forgot to take my before pictures…I get so excited you know, by the time I even think of the pictures I’ve got it half done!!! lol

Some of the pictures were taken, (by my husband Leon),on the water front, Killam’s Wharf, Yarmouth N.S. Canada

purple jacket with lace 003

This is a beautiful painting someone painted on the side of the building!! Sorry forgot the name of the artist!!!…….

This is my purple sweater that I made

 purple jacket with lace 014

I folded the top in half to find the middle and I cut it. Just in the front though. I turned the edges under and sewed them down

purple jacket with lace 017

I can wear this with jeans, jogging pants or dress pants. Love it!!!

purple jacket with lace 029

That may look like the virgin Mary behind me….but it is not! lol

purple jacket with lace 031

I added the lace from the fabric I had to make my dress on the edge of the sleeves and hem. Makes a nice touch I think.

I then sewed up my dress using a simplicity pattern that I had on hand.

And here it is…..

purple lace dress 002

The lace has been sewed with the fabric as one piece. Really hard to get the pieces to lay flat but if you pin them together first while they are laying flat it shouldn’t be a problem. Just be extra careful because one false move and your lace will be crooked and bunched up and will not lay flat against the backing fabric. I used the scalloped edging for the hem which omits having to make the hem on the lace. I just hemmed the backing fabric right underneath the lace.

purple lace dress 008

This is what you do when you run out of fabric!!! Yup, I ran out of lace but that’s ok because it looks fine without it. You see I don’t totally have plans when I buy my fabric. I see it and I like it and so I buy it thinking I could make a dress or a top out of this and so I am not sure how much I should buy at the time but being creative helps figure out what to do about the shortage of fabric. There is always a way to use it.

I don’t know what the pen on the floor is about but I think it was on my keyboard when I moved it :/ 

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purple lace dress 111

I can wear this with a belt too.
I already wore this dress to church so some of you may have seen it already.
I wore it with plain black tights, probably looked better but I think they were in the wash when I took these pictures and so I substituted with these…

purple lace dress 060

My sweater and jacket together!!! A perfect match!!!

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purple lace dress 067

purple lace dress 055 (2)
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purple lace dress 075

Sleeves are sheer lace. Flowers are bright blue, dark green, white and black and the sheer part has a slight purple tinge to it. That is why I decided to use a purple or lilac if you prefer, fabric underneath.

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purple lace dress 086

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It can be worn with or without a belt

purple lace dress 088

Zipper in the back

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purple lace dress 092

I smocked it, I smocked it, I smocked it!!!! YES I DID LOL I smocked it!!!! This is the first time I have ever smocked anything and I really really enjoyed it and I will be doing it again!!!  Doing this technique gathers where ever you smock it and in this case my square top that I used became nicely gathered at the waist for a neat fit, great to do for someone that has curves (hourglass or pear shape, even someone with a rectangle or ruler shape this will give the illusion of curves as long as it is slightly baggy on the top and bottom of the waist) The fabric is pinched together and sewn in an even pattern making a kind of triangle look all around the sweater. Did I say I loved this??? I do!!!

purple lace dress 094 
purple lace dress 115 (2)

I guess it was time that I posted these pictures because fall is almost over!!! It is getting colder here! We had a fabulous fall though and hoping we will have a beautiful winter too! Hope you enjoyed my pics of my revamped sweater and my new purple lace dress!!!

Just want to say a big thank you to all who support my blog!!! WOW, you guys are soooo great!!!

Canada,United States,Russia,China,United Kingdom,Sweden,Netherlands,Poland,Australia,Germany to name a few! Don’t be afraid to comment!! Love to hear from you!! :)

P.S. Don’t ever feel judged!!!! If you are feeling guilty(like someone is pointing a finger at you and hating you), this is NOT of God! It doesn’t matter WHO(or who they think they are) is doing the pointing!!!
If you are feeling convicted(knowing it’s wrong and that you shouldn’t be doing it) this is God speaking to you. For your own good try to listen.

John 8:2-11

New International Version (NIV)


2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them.

 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.

5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?”

 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.

 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time,

the older ones first,

until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there.

10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

11 “No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Whenever someone is trying to make me feel guilty as if they are better than me and condemning me or putting me down, I remember this scripture and it is very helpful to me. Jesus never condemned anyone and neither should anyone else because all of us have faults and if you think yours is better than someone else’s, you are only fooling yourself… yes some have more sins than others and are more in your face but it doesn’t mean that someone who’s sin is hidden(and you know who you are) is better than someone else. Sin is sin to God.

What do you think Jesus was writing in the sand? Why do you think the oldest left first?

Don’t forget that even though Jesus said he didn’t condemn her, he asked her to leave it behind.

Is he saying it’s ok that you did it, I don’t condemn you, now go, I got you out of this one but now stop living that way?

Why do you think he said that? Was it so he could have his own way or was it for her own good that he said it? 

Jesus does NOT condemn and it does not matter WHAT sin your are committing but he asks for you to leave it. Will you do it for him?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cara’s green flowered with fake leather jacket



Here it is, Cara’s jacket!

I made this for her as a surprise. She didn’t know she was getting it. I had seen this fabric at Wal-Mart and thought it might look good on her as green is one of her favourite colors and so I bought it. One day while we were skypeing my video was not working but hers was and so I held the fabric up to the screen so I could see if it went well with her complexion and it did!! She had no clue what I was up to. So I sewed her up a little jacket and tried to make it fairly warm as those fall and winters are cold in Alberta!! It was a bit short on me and so I figured it should be about right for her as she is 5 feet nothing even though she might claim she’s an inch taller!! lol I don’t believe it!! Anyway I sent her the jacket and I think she may have been a bit disappointed as she was pregnant and I think she was hoping that the surprise was something baby oriented. I had started making the jacket before I found out she was pregnant and so I decided to send it to her anyway. I figured she might have a few months to wear it. She found that it was a little too short and was showing too much of her belly. I guess her top half is the same size as I am but her bottom half is what is shorter than mine. We are actually the same size although I am 5’4”. She had decided to keep the jacket until next year and when I came up to visit I could adjust the length but since she lost the baby I don’t know what she’s going to do……

Cara's jacket 010 

The jacket has shades of seafoam green and black swirly flowers.

Cara's jacket 011

I trimmed the jacket with fake leather

Cara's jacket 012 Cara's jacket 013 Cara's jacket 014 Cara's jacket 015 Cara's jacket 016 Cara's jacket 017 Cara's jacket 003 Cara's jacket 004Cara's jacket 026 (2) Cara's jacket 024 (2) 

The jacket has two pockets in front, you can’t see them well as the jacket fabric is kind of camouflaged.



Cara's jacket 031 (2)  

The jacket does not look the greatest on me because it’s not really my color(and besides that I don’t think I’m wearing any makeup, yikes!!) but I figured I’d be waiting a looooooong time before Cara takes pictures and send’s it to me so….I’m it! lol

Cara's jacket 006Cara's jacket 007 Cara's jacket 009

The end, there is no more. :)  Yes there is but I didn’t upload them! Sorry if I put too many pictures!! I can’t help it!! lol I like to take many pictures so I can get a good one and then I don’t know which ones to put up if they all turn out good but I figure when I go to other peoples blogs I like to see a lot of pictures, I am not into reading the blog as much as I am into pictures and so, this is my style… ;) and a picture says a thousand words!!!


P.S. I have so many things on the go right now, I don’t know if I am coming or going creatively that is. I am making some fabric with pieces of fabric that I have from my discontinued fabric sample books and I don’t know if I want to make pants with it or a quilt! lol

I’ve got this really cool lace purple dress that I made and took pictures that I have to blog about, with a matching sweater!!

I have a entertainment center that I want to revamp. I have about 10 pictures I need to hang on the wall. I have housework that needs to be done,that’s not creative in my eyes though! hahaha. I have walls that need to be painted. I need to finish some alterations. My cupboards would need a good cleaning, some of them anyway, I already did some. I am in the living Christmas tree at church and I have 10 really hard songs(beauty and the beast type songs) to learn by Christmas Plus I think 5 more to learn for advent. Plus I am on the worship team at church and have to learn new songs there. I am trying to practice my guitar playing so I can get better at it so I can record some of my songs. etc. etc. etc. but it’s all good, I’d rather be busy than not busy enough. I do not like to be bored and am not bored very often. The only time I get bored is when I’m feeling really bad physically and I cannot muster enough energy to do the things I want. That gets me really frustrated at first but then it makes me sit still and just relax my body.

I’ve started going to physiotherapy lately and she has been giving me exercises and things to do for my body as I have problem with my neck, arm, lower back, hips and feet…yes I know, that is why I’m going to physio!!! That’s the joy of having been in a car accident and having your feet shattered, it messes everything else up too. Anyway to get back to what I was saying, she gave me these simple exercise to do and one of them was sitting in a proper sitting position with your back straight and to stack about 4 pillows on your lap until your arms are resting on them at about shoulder height and to sit like that for a little while….Well that was hard for me. I can’t do anything with my hands!!! I never realized how much I use my hands!!! or I knew I used my hands a lot but I never realized how much I don’t stop using them. They never stop, it’s either I am sewing,painting,playing guitar,doing housework,paperwork or on the computer or doing some craft, everything I do requires my hands and neck to be moving and so I really need to make a special effort to rest my arms, hands and neck. I think why I do this is because I can’t be on my feet as much as the normal person and so I try to keep busy in other ways so I don’t mind not being on my feet and I guess I have to not do that as much or take frequent breaks, like every half hour. I even have to set a timer because when I get involved in something I have total concentration and hours can fly by without me even knowing!! Oh well I’ll get it after a while!

talk to you in the next blog xox

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sexier red orange flowered pj pants and jacket


Hello everyone!!!

Well I found some more flannel!!! I had forgotten about this fabric that I had bought and when I went looking through my rather large stack, lo and behold, there it was!!! I also found this red jersey fabric that I had found at a used clothing store and I thought I’ll make a dress with it and some more pj bottoms with the flannel and so I made the pj bottoms and was looking at the red fabric wondering what kind of dress I could make with it and at the same time wondering what I could wear with the pants to take pictures and all of a sudden I was making a sweater!! I surprise myself sometimes! I never know what I’m making until it’s there!! lol

For the jacket I used double thickness as I wanted it to be a bit thicker than the fabric actually was. They sure don’t make fabric very thick now a days!!  The only problem with that was that is was a bit too thick for my liking when it came to some of the seams. I would have been better off with one layer thickness for this but at least it will be warm. Still it turned out decent.


So they are not so sexy, but boy oh baby, they are comfy!!! I think they are sexier than my rubber boots pj pants,

but that is just my opinion! hahaha

Click here if you haven't seen those

IMG_0985  IMG_0988 IMG_0990 

I think I could almost wear these out and about….well almost!! lol



So awesome that I had the perfect color for my jacket to match my pants!!

IMG_1031IMG_1025     IMG_1032 IMG_1033   Doesn’t this remind you of little red riding hood?? Every time I look at this I start singing the crazy little song about red riding hood and the big bad wolf!! lol Now I’ve got you singing it too haven’t I?? heheheIMG_1040 IMG_1043 IMG_1046 

This is my beautiful cat Kalie Rae, she hates to take pictures!!! She was like, mom let me go!!!


This is my beautiful cat Minou Marie. She hates to take pictures also!! lol She wasn’t a happy camper here!

How to make the pants, here is a little tutorial

1 Make SURE your fabric is washed and dried the way it will be after the pants are made. It will shrink a bit.

2 Read all the instructions first and then come back and cut your fabric.

3 You need a little over 2 1/4 meters of 45” flannel fabric and a small piece of fleece in the colors of your choice.

4 You need a pair of pj bottom’s that fit you well or decent. I will show you how to fit properly for your body shape.

5 Turn your pants inside out and fold in half finding the seams of the front. The front usually has a smaller crotch length

6 Place on your fabric. Cut your 2 1/4 meters in half for easier handling.

7 Following the pants pattern cut out around it leaving about 3/4 inches for seams.

8 Do the same for the back pants. These probably have a longer crotch seam with a bigger curve for the seat.

9 Sew the front crotch seam from the waist to about 3/4 inch short of the edge of the crotch (at the curve)

10 Do the exact same for the back crotch seam. See picture below

11 Join the front and back at the hips to the ankle on both sides.

12 Join the front and back from the crotch to the ankles on both legs.

13 Your pants are ready for a fitting.

14  after you have the fit you are satisfied with serge or zigzag all seams.

15 sew crotch seam together where all the leg seams join at the crotch.

17 cut the fleece lengthwise about 6 inches wide with the stretch so that the stretch will go with your body.

18 fold in half and wrap around your body to see how much you need. Don’t forget to leave enough for seams.

19 Unfold and sew seam together. This will be your back seam. You can put an elastic if you like but I did not as I am sensitive to elastic and prefer not to have it. Will be a bit loser without the elastic.

20 Fold in half again lengthwise and match the raw edges of the band with the raw edges of the pants and sew around having the seam at the back. Topstitch the band sewing with the seam turned up into the band.

You’ve done it!!! Wear and enjoy your pj’s!!! Aren’t they great!!!???

back sew



Your waist should be close to horizontal like mine is in this picture.


I have a slight pelvic tilt and a protruding bottom so I had to take in at the waist more to fit the curve of my back. I also had to take some of the back fabric off to even out the waist to get it horizontal to the floor. If not it would have been very slanted to the front with the back being a lot higher.  I like mine with a slight tilt to the front, not totally straight. I also made these low waist.

The side of the seams should be parallel with your body also.

Fitting for different body types. Here are some quick sketches that I drew to show you some fitting tips to get your

pj’s to fit comfortably.

pelvic tilt


protruding abdomen

protruding abdomen and bottom

That is it folks, Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and have fun making your own pants.


P.S. Help when you are under attack


Have you ever had people be against you, twist your words to make you look bad and feel their hate towards you and lie about you? God gave me this palms to meditate on and I thought I would share it with you because I know without a doubt there are people who need this.

If you know you are innocent and you have people lying about you and trying to get you in trouble, pray in Jesus’ name something like this psalm and see if God doesn’t move mountains for you and come to your rescue and get back at your enemies!! God sees your tears, they are recorded in His book!!!

Psalm 56

For the director of music. To the tune of “A Dove on Distant Oaks.” Of David. A miktam.[b] When the Philistines had seized him in Gath.

1 Be merciful to me, my God,

for my enemies are in hot pursuit;

all day long they press their attack.

2 My adversaries pursue me all day long;

in their pride many are attacking me.

3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

4 In God, whose word I praise—

in God I trust and am not afraid.

What can mere mortals do to me?

5 All day long they twist my words;

all their schemes are for my ruin.

6 They conspire, they lurk,

they watch my steps,

hoping to take my life.

7 Because of their wickedness do not[c] let them escape;

in your anger, God, bring the nations down.

8 Record my misery;

list my tears on your scroll [d]

are they not in your record?

9 Then my enemies will turn back

when I call for help.

By this I will know that God is for me.

10 In God, whose word I praise,

in the Lord, whose word I praise—

11 in God I trust and am not afraid.

What can man do to me?

12 I am under vows to you, my God;

I will present my thank offerings to you.

13 For you have delivered me from death

and my feet from stumbling,

that I may walk before God

in the light of life.

There is also Psalm 57 that goes along with this. Just google it!!

Be blessed!!!!!!