Who doesn’t like a nice pair of cute comfy pj’s!!! Well if you don’t, I sure do!!! I love my flannel pj bottom’s in Winter because I love to be warm and comfortable!!! I made these the other day and it probably took me a half hour to make it I think. Easy peasy, japonesy. Quick and easy to make but I don’t know why I haven’t made more yet!! I guess I need more flannel fabric!!!! I have no idea how I’m going to sew up the large stash of fabric I already have but I’ll have fun trying!!!
When you come to my house, you could find me wearing these at any time of the day or night!….maybe even outdoors in my backyard!!!! (blush) but not in public!!! Only for you guys!!! hahaha

My goodness, we are having a great fall!!!

I used a different color fleece for the waistband and the bottom hems. I was a bit short on fabric because I washed the fabric first and it shrunk quite a bit more than I expected and so that is why I added the bottom.

Shot we just learned with the sun in back making a rim light on the hair, turned out pretty good!
Just bought the 5 in 1 reflector’s at amazon.ca Love it!!!
buy it here for $22.45

close-up of the fabric. I just love the fun print and would love to have the flowered white rubber boots. Maybe I could paint mine!! Another DIY project!!! hahaha like I need another one!!!

Leon was grumbling because I was moving too much and he couldn’t focus on my face and so I gave him something to focus on!!! hahaha I know, I can be a bit sassy….
I love the way these water pictures turned out!!
Like I said, I can be a little bit sassy!!!! lol
If you are like my husband and can’t figure out why I am wearing rubber boots, it is to match the rubber boots on my pants!!! hahaha Some people are just not into details!!!
P.S. I’m working on a little quilt!! Have to have it done by May!!! It is yellow and white, with pinks, greens and different coloured animals Pictures to come soon!!! hmmmmm I wonder WHO this quilt is for??? :D
Happy thanksgiving to all out there in cyberspace!!!
I hope you have had a wonderful day and are thankful for the things you have and have had in your life. I was thanking God very nicely for the things that I have such as the typical things such as family, home,jobs etc. and then I said to him, but God of course I am happy and thankful for those things, that goes without saying, who isn’’t thankful for the things that make them happy???….. and then God reminded me to be thankful for everything.1 Thessalonians 5:18 (King James Version)18
In every thing give thanks
: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
So I started meditating on this and I started thinking deeper and the things that I’ve learned throughout the years and I went back to times when I was shamed and shunned as a very young girl and I was thankful for those times when I learned to have compassion and a sensitivity for others because of the grievous things I went through. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I really believe it gave me something more than the average Joe. I believe it made me stronger. I believe when you go through something traumatic it gives you a knowledge beyond what someone who hasn’t been through your ordeal and so it’s like you possess a special secret that only you and God know and it gives you a quiet satisfaction that you know this secret. I am very thankful to know this now.Proverbs 16:18-19 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before stumbling. 19It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud.…
I thought back to my car accident in 1990 and I was very thankful for this and that it showed me that I wasn’t in control of my life. It was a major turning point in my life. It taught me that my life is not in my own hands and that there was something bigger and more powerful than I ever thought I was you see, because I thought I was the master of my universe so to speak. It taught me that I have absolutely no power at all because if I did I sure would not have chosen to be in a car accident at 24 years old and in a wheelchair with 2 young children and married to a husband on the verge of a divorce. This was extremely hard on me but still….I do not regret it, I can’t because it opened my eyes and led me to the best thing in my life, and that is Jesus. I would not want to live without Him again!! He’s my all in all, as the song goes. My everything.I think back to an almost equally hard time in my life when I lost my mother of cancer at the age of 25 years old in 1991. I have a really hard time saying thank you for this one and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I wish I could have her back but I know this is the just the way it is. I do not think God took my mother away but the cursed cancer that is in this world because of sin did, not God.
My mother was my best friend, my lifeline, my safe place and a saviour of a sort. After she left I tried to replace her with other things but “for some reason” they got taken away too and so it forced me to look elsewhere and it forced me to turn to God for comfort and HE became my best friend, my lifeline, my safe place and my Savior. He is the only one that will never fail you, never leave you and so He is the best!!!
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