Yes that’s right, I needed(wanted) a hat to match my queen of heart jacket!! seen here: Queen of hearts jacket and so I made one with my left over fabric from my jacket!! I wanted something different to go with my different jacket and I thought, why not use the eyelash yarn that I appliquéd around my heart on the back of the jacket, and so I did and voila, it looks like hair and matches my long dark hair!!! lol Isn’t that cool!! Yes it is!!! hehehe
I should have put it all along the bottom of the hat like a wig!! lol ;) No one would know the difference, they would think it’s just something ELSE I’ve done with my hair!! hahaha
The eyelash yarn has little colored sequins in it
I also used a few strips of fabric from my jacket fabric to put in the tassel

Oh by the way, I made my own pattern for the hat. I uhm… used my hand as a guide…seriously I put the palm of my hand where I thought my hat should start and then I figured out where my fingertips finished and how much space was needed more to reach the crown and I put my hand on the fabric and traced around it to make the first piece of the hat(top part, kind of triangle shape) Then I doubled up the piece for the front sewing a dart like seam in the middle of the piece. Might sound a bit complicated but it’s not!! Then I measured a band about 4 or 5 inches wide by 23” which is my head size plus 1/2” for the seam and folded it in half. With the raw edges aligned with the raw edges of the hat, placing the seam at the center back of the hat I sewed it up and then turned the band up and sewed it down to the hat at the seams.
Probably a bit over the top and screams I MADE IT lol but it makes great pictures, don’t you think?? If I wore this jacket with a plain black hat it would probably look better or be less “look at me” if you know what I mean. I don’t mind a little attention but too much is too much! hahaha It’s kind of like when I sing, I hate thinking everyone is looking at me but if I can’t see them looking at me then it’s fine. :) I could also wear this hat with a black coat to tone it down a little…
P.S. I miss my loved ones who are away, sometimes I get so lonely for them, but I try to keep busy and occupy my mind with other things. It seems like life is just not the same without those who are close to your heart around you. You get used to having them in your life and then they move away and have a new life and you are left trying to figure out how to make your old life have some meaning again. Thank God I have you all to keep me entertained with all your lovely comments and things you do on facebook and by entertaining you with my artistic/crafty/designer abilities!!
I’m going to be taking a short break from blogging soon, I have paper work to do for my business. Whenever a year is finished it means, start getting your stuff in order. I wish someone else would do it for me! lol It’s not my favorite thing to do… Once I get into it, it is alright but to start just about kills me!! lol
I will be working on my bedroom decorating soon. I have all kinds of painting, draperies, bedspread and whatnots to show you. I would love to get things done before summer hits!! I bought this beautiful Chandelier for the bedroom with matching scones that I will be posting pictures of soon!! Then God willing and my body co-operates with me, I’ve got my yard work to do this summer and maybe a little vacation somewhere…..and I don’t know WHAT I’m going to do with my kitchen but it needs some work!…and there is the bathroom too!!……Ok never mind!!! “One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m asking of you. Give me the strength to do everything that I have to do” hehehe
“I'm only human; I'm just a womanHelp me believe in what I could be and all that I am
Show me the stairway
I have to climb
Lord for my sake
Teach me to take
One day at a time
One day at a time, sweet Jesus
That's all I'm asking from you
Give me the strength to do everything that I have to do
Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus
And tomorrow may never be mine
Help me today
Show me the way
One day at a time.”
Beautiful hat and jacket. Have you ever thought of designing fabric for some of the companies? There is a woman in the valley who designs fabric for a company. Lots of awesome folks in the maritimes.
ReplyDeleteThank you Gaile!! I have thought about it but I just don't know how to find those "companies"... I'd love to do that!! :)