I found this fabric at Fabricville in Halifax NS. It was in the 50% off department and I really liked the colors. I did not use a pattern for this one but I traced out from an old tank top I had and just continued cutting it out longer to make a dress.
I talked my husband into taking my photos, I think he did a really good job!!!
The dress is gathered underneath the bust and I added a gathered hem of about 4 inches wide.
We forgot to get back pictures of the dress!! This is the only one I have.
This dress is very comfortable to wear!! It’s like having a night gown on!!
Love that polyester fabric!!!
that`s an awesome tree and looks good with my dress!!

The stairway at Frost park, Yarmouth NS.
Detail view

I did not use a binding on this one, I just folded the raw edges and stitched it. The under bust is tacked and stitched down on both sides.

The back neckline is high.

Easy dress to make…only took me about 1 hour, maybe less
This is one of the picture my husband likes the best.
The fountain at Frost Park.

I am loving this dress!!! So colorful and easy to wear!!! It’s one of those take it anywhere dress. Could be worn casual or dressy. These colors will move on unto 2014 no problem so I will be able to wear it next spring too.
Thanks for taking an interest in the clothing I make, I love love love to sew some new clothes and wear them of course!!!
Have a terrific day!!! xox
P.S. I got hair extension while I was visiting my daughter Cara who works as a hairdresser, she put them in for me. We ordered them from China and it only took three days to get to Alberta!!!! Can you say fast!!??? Well fast isn’t the case to put them in!!! First of all, we had ordered 18” tape in extensions that would be very fast to put in BUT what we received was 18” Micro rings hair extensions. It was too late to send them back as I was not going to be in Alberta much longer and so we decided to use them. 4 hours or so later after Cara’s hands are so sore from using a plier to clamp them on my hair, I have a head full of hair extensions which was great BUT we soon find out that they are NOT staying in my hair and they keep falling one by one off my soft slippery thin hair!!!! Not good!!! Besides that the rings are metal and not good on my sensitive scalp and cause an irritation so as soon as I came home I had to pull them all out as they were falling out anyway. Sigh. Back to the drawing board…hahaha

This is how long they were. About 2 or 3 inches longer than my natural hair in the pictures above. I saved all the pieces and I cut off the rings. I then used a professional hair extension fusion tool and melted the left over glue on the hair to hold it in place properly. Now I can add the extensions to my own hair with the glue tool. I just need someone to help me do the back of my head as I can’t reach!! lol Maybe I can talk my husband into helping me!!! If I dare!!! lol