Saturday, September 3, 2016

"A dream getaway"

This painting is from a digital painting  that I painted a few years ago. I really liked how the digital painting turned out and I wondered how it would look in Acrylic paints. So I tried it and I think I like the Acrylic version better! Much more richness to it I would say!  How about you? 

The idea for these paintings are not from a photograph but imagination. 

It's a place I would love to have. Doesn't have to be fancy, just peaceful and quiet. A place I can ride my horse( a horse I don't have) everyday with the wind in my hair and the sun on my face. A place of freedom, a place of peace with no one to bother you. A getaway when life gets tough and you need a change of scenery, a place to regroup and recharge your batteries. We all need places like this once in a while, what would be your getaway place? 
Digital painting

16 X 20  Acrylics on canvas.    $175.00 

For those who don't know what a digital painting is, it is a painting done in a special program on the computer. It has a blank canvas, paint brushes and paint and you can use a tablet with a special pen to paint with or as I started, with your finger on the touch pad on your laptop. Not quite as fun as the pen! 😳
It takes about a month to get used to painting on the tablet and looking at the screen on your computer, but once you learn, it's fairly easy.
 I did this for quite a few years as I am sensitive to paint and only recently started painting with Acrylics again. I don't seem to be as sensitive to the paint fumes as in my younger years. I believe it's because they make the paint less harsh than it used to be. 
Anyway, I really enjoyed doing this painting, very easy and relaxing. 

The next one I will be working on won't be as easy as it is a person. Someone had posted a nice portrait type photo of a man I know and I thought "oh that would make a nice painting someday" I saved it to my computer intending to ask permission if I wanted to paint it but now a year later I cannot remember what's so ever who took the picture!!? 
I will have to post the picture on Facebook(as that is where I got it from) 

The reason why i have decided to paint this painting of this man is because
He won't stop bugging me to paint it!!! Lol I told him last year that I had seen a picture of him on Facebook and asked if he would mind if I painted him someday, now every time I see him the first thing he does is  ask if I painted his picture! Hahaha, then I feel guilty because I didn't so looks like I will have to paint his picture so I don't feel guilty anymore πŸ˜„

Hope you enjoy my paintings πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–πŸ˜Š

Friday, August 19, 2016

Orange, blank and white circle dress

This is a dress I made last year but never posted any pictures of it until this year

Very comfortable and pretty to wear with the black and red lace I added to it.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"Pastor on the hill" painting tutorial of a different kind!

This is how I started this painting
I just randomly blocked in a background and some little houses


Actually, this is how it started. You can see a bit of it in this
picture I took of my grandson painting.
 I forgot to take a picture of it when I started, probably because
 I had no idea what I was going to do with it and it sat on my table 
for a couple of weeks and then I thought "I have to do something with it" 
and so I randomly started painting houses on it with no thought about how 
It was going to turn out and figured it would paint itself all
 I had to do is supply the paint! And it did! Lol

Then I decided that I didn't like the bottom house and path so I 
added grass on top.
I changed the blue house to red

Added a path

I made the orange house and the church a little bigger

I painted paths added windows and detail on the trees.

Adding more detail

Made changes to the red house, added a hydrangea bush and
White detail etc.

Roof and window details

But then my husband decided it needed an animal


So I decided to make a dog but with the dog and the bush it was too busy so I took out the bush

The doggy is cute but I miss my tree 😞 it just seemed to add more life to the painting with the bush

I took my painting into an app I have on my iPad called Sketch to test out what it would 
look like without having to waste more time and paint. I liked the little bush and I 
wondered if it would look better without the orange house on the hill but I felt it looked
better and more interesting with the orange house. Besides that, it's the Pastor's house.
Where would he live? Right? He can't live with the rest of the people, he has to be 
set apart from the rest. He needs a break once in a while! 

The finished painting

Leon asked why the church was so small(he is always asking questions he shouldn't
Be asking, I think he does it just to iritate me lol) and so I had to come up with a good answer.

Sooooooooo, the church is small because they live in a very small village on the countryside. Duh!
There is only 6 houses there. They don't need a big church, besides that, that is all the pastor can handle.
These people live quite a ways from civilization in a village they call "leave us alone". It's such a beautiful place there and everything blooms together all season long. They only have one dog and he belongs to Pastor Audrey and Carl McNeil who lives on top of the hill. His name is scruffy. 

Now Audrey is a sweet lady, she made all the curtains for the johnson's, Suzy and Fred who live in the pink house and the other neighbors also. She also does all the gardening while the Pastor's wife does all the cooking. 
 Fred is the village carpenter but he has no training, never been to school and has no level to get anything straight but the houses are safe none the less. 
Suzy is very creative and does a lot of things, such as, gardening and painting. She painted the windows of the church and of their Grumpy old neighbor Mr. Lenard and busybody Agustine. You need some of those in every village, keeps everyone on their toes.

They don't let just anyone into their village, they are a pretty fussy and strange bunch and do not like to be disturbed but they allow me to go and sit there to paint my landscapes. They are not really a bad 
Bunch, they kind of grow on you after a while.

Mr. Lenard is a mason but he doesn't like making chimneys so they had a meeting and decided to get heat pumps installed. Being a fussy bunch they didn't like the electrical wires showing and so they buried
Them in the ground, I think it's legal there. 

It's a pretty simple kind of life here, they help each other out and share what they have, their gifts, talents, food and material possession, what little they do have,they share. They may seem strange at first but you know, when you get to know them and can get past their little quirks, they are a pretty decent bunch of people. 

And the moral of the story is! Don't ask stupid questions! Lol. Just kidding!!!

The moral of the story is: 
We should get to know people, I mean REALY get to know people instead of judging them, it just might surprise you on what they are really about. 

 That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Lol

Before     and        after

This is for sale for $125.00 plus shipping if applicable 

Saturday, July 30, 2016

My brothers mantle is now mine!!!


This is a double mantle that my talented,wonderful and loving brother Kirk made!!!
 I looooooooove itπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
I have been wanting one for a long time

and everytime I go to his house I tell him....I want it....and 
so they decided to do over their living room 
and this piece was "up in the air" 
whether it should go or stay......

well you know what side I was on!!!πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ 
And it was decided that it would go to 
his lovely wonderful fantastic sister!!! Lol

Can you say pleased and tickled pink!!??? 

I put it up,as is,temporarily, until I can figure out 
What to do with it.

Now it is stained and varnished but there are scratches on it.

I know, I know, some of you would say leave it as is,as my brother would too (he thinks everything should be stained woodπŸ™„) but his sister is different.
Not that I have anything against wood but it just would not match my decor!😳

It has to be painted! Yes painted! I'm thinking white paint. Fresh clean white paint. 

The great thing about the way he made it is the top comes off!!!

I get 2 mantles for the price of one! Oh yeah, I didn't pay for it. 😜 
The top one is going in another room. 

The bottom one, I plan on making a box under it to lift it up and probably have a few drawers too. The inside needs a back of some kind, possibly a shelf too. 

Anyway hoping to get this project done before summer is over. Will post picture when I get it done. 

Ttyl πŸ˜„❤️πŸ˜„

PS. For those of you who don't know this is a painting I did a few weeks ago
But this is not the painting that will go there as it is too small once I
Take out the top mantle. I will have to make another large painting or 
something for that spot. 
Never liked the wall was supposed to be silver grey but it looks too lilac! Changing the colour to a warmer grey, like the floor.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Love bites for Brody!!

I found these cute miniature cupcake liners and I
thought it would make the perfect size cupcakes 
for my grandson Brody

I am always on Pinterest finding recipes among other wonderful things and so I found this recipe for vanilla cupcakes. I did not add as much sugar as it called as I don't want the little one to have too 
much sugar so I skimped slightly.Here is the great recipe I used...

I started  to put strawberries inside the batter but then I thought....
I don't like cooked fruit and wasn't sure if and how it would cook so 
I only added strawberries in a few. Turned out fine though.


After they were cooked I wanted to make them a bit more "healthy"
 so I scooped out the middle and added cut up strawberry pieces.

I made a flour frosting with flour and milk cooked in a pan over 
medium heat until it thickens to the consistency of frosting and then I added beating it well,
a small amount of sugar, just enough to sweeten it, probably 1/4 cup, I also threw in some cut up 
strawberries too.It usually asks for 1 cup of sugar but again, I didn't want too much sugar for Brody. 
Then I frosted the cupcakes and added another piece of strawberry on top.

This one is for Brody



He liked picking off the strawberry on top

Brody cuddling with his mom enjoying his little cupcake

Mine! πŸ˜‰


This is what I did with the left over middles from the cupcakes
I cut up more strawberries added a dab of frosting and a tablespoon
organic sugar covered it and put it in the fridge until it was juicy. 
This was a great snack for me! 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The perfect blend of fruit juice




I think I've found the perfect blend of fruit juice. You can taste every fruit equally well.
 Such great syrupy goodness!!! Yummmmmm!!! It really is like drinking syrup when you have grapes in there!
Here is the recipe:

1 Apple
1 Orange
1 good handful of grapes
1 good handful of strawberries

You can substitute a handful of whatever kind of fruits you like.

Notice the correct colours on the fruits. I've been teaching my grandson his colours over and over and over and I guess I'm still in that teaching mode. Lol Now you know your fruit colours! πŸ˜‰

I have been juicing off and on for many years, in my opinion you cannot buy juice this good!! So fresh and it feels so great knowing you are putting great things in your body. You are getting the vitamins of all those fruits in one shot
 I should be drinking them everyday but I have a tendency to want to grab something quick and easy to eat instead of something healthy unfortunately😏. 
At times I have drank fruit juice for breakfast and lunch and then had a regular meal for supper for a week or moreThe benefits are amazing! The burst of energy you get is fantastic, there is nothing like a natural high! Besides that losing a few pounds when you need to is always good
I am trying to do that now but haven't succeeded yet. My husband and daughter are junky eaters and so when I decide to eat healthier they come along and say we should get ice cream (chocolate of course) tonight and I'm like no I'm trying to eat healthy and then I think about it for two hours and say ok, go get the ice cream...sigh. I will get it after a while, just takes me a to get into it but once I really set my mind to it I'm good

Bonsoir πŸ˜„

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How not to get paint on your baby painter

I don't know how to keep paint off of him and I don't want to!!! 😍😍😍

 Are you kidding???  Why would you want to keep paint off of such cuteness???
They go together so well! Mom's and dad's, grandpa's and grandma', caretakers, let your cuties get good and dirty with Paint at least once, and take pictures and send them to me, I would love to see them.
This little Brody just loves painting!πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’œ❤️ 
I have a chair set up at the table with a plastic tablecloth on it that I got a few of at
the dollar store and the chair has a booster seat on it so he can reach the table and so whenever he feels like painting he goes and pulls out his chair and cries and tries to get up on the chairHe is only 15 months old and is only saying some words yet but he sure knows how to get his point across when he wants something. πŸ˜„


His Masterpiece with his grandma's help. 
I kind of have to guide him to put his paint brushes in the water and then in the paint and on the watercolour paper but he knows how it's done. He is getting better and better with every painting!  So far he has made 7 paintings.
You can buy these paint supplies at Walmart. I think the watercolours cost around $8.00
and the watercolour paper pad around the same, give or take. Fairly inexpensive and it will give your "adorable gift of God" hours and hours of enjoyment


Those little hands (quite big in his case) can go fast!  πŸ˜„

Examining the paint

I wonder why toddlers want to put EVERYTHING in their mouths?? I had to stop him so many times! 
I don't think these paints are toxic but still, I don't think it's good to put in your mouth...

I just love these colourful pictures with tiny pudgy hands, so adorable 😘😘😘



Making sure he is rubbing it in good here, good thing it is washable!!!

Having fun!

Huh, are you still taking pictures of me? πŸ˜‰


He looooooves dipping his brush/brushes into the water!

We have to hold it tight though or it would be all over the place!

Amazing he didn't get any on his shirt or shorts! It does come off if it does though. I have to find him some kind of  vinyl bib.



I am making a collection of his framed paintings and will try to fill a wall with them.

Brody and I say Adios, until next time πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•