Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I am appalled by the reactions of people (Even "Christians") when you mention healthy foods!!!! WOW does it ever strike a nerve in some people!!! Well guess what, I have the right to put in my mouth the foods that I choose to try to make my body feel better!!! I have the right to talk about it all I want to whomever I want...I have to listen to your junk stories and put up with it without rolling my eyes at you!!!!!

Ohhhhhh my!!!!! I'm sure you are rolling your eyes big time now!!! What greens!!! That is for rabbits!!!

Ok, enough of that, on to the good stuff!!! :)

Nutritional yeast is a good substitution for cheese. It is not a cheese or dairy product but it taste kind of cheesy and it has huge health benefits. It is gluten- free and is a different species than the one the causes candida. Great for hair with it's protein and amino acids. Nutritional yeast is a complete protein.
3 TBSPs supply 9 grams of complete protein. It also has zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese and copper.
Combines well with a lot of different dishes..sprinkle 1 or 2 tablespoons on top of your salads instead of fatty cheese.

Shrimp with garlic, Quinoa and mashed cauliflower instead of white potatoes!??!! yum!!!  I WILL be doing this again!!!
Steam your veggies or bake them with a little drizzle of olive oil for about 20 minutes. Great stuff!!

This is for the "Christians" that come against healthy eating (I'm going to be shot down for sure now, ha!!!)
1 Cor. 6: 19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

With what?? Your body!!? Does that mean that I have to look after my body as well as my mind and soul??

1 Cor. 10:31
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
Does that say eating and drinking??? Can't be

Does it Glorify God to keep your body and mind strong and healthy by eating good, from nature, God made foods??

Just those two scriptures should be enough to know that God calls you to look after your body and if you are not then at least have the decency not to come against someone who is.  (I am only speaking to Christians here) The rest of you are off the hook for now. Eat drink and be merry.

Genesis 1:29
And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.

1 Cor. 9:27 But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

Proverbs 25:27
It is not good to eat much honey, nor is it glorious to seek one's own glory.

1 Corinthians 6:12 

“All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be enslaved by anything.

The rest of you, keep eating whatever you like, but I hope you will choose a healthier lifestyle for your own sake.

Homemade donair sauce 

It really upsets me when I see someone that is jealous of me because I KNOW I am not better than them. I really feel that I have nothing to be jealous of.

Live a life that is pleasing to God first for those who are Christians and when you are doing your best then it should be good enough for the rest and if not, well that is too bad isn't it? Who are you to judge your brother??

I have been sick for many many years....Started about when I was thirteen and was on antibiotics for a whole year straight because I had tonsillitis and eventually had to have them removed. Very painful!
I then got pregnant at 14 years of age (I've already written that story and lost it too) which I believe,was not good for my still developing body. I had different illnesses and problems over the years and when I turned 23 I started with full blown interstitial cystitis (IC) Then in 2003 after someone rear ended my car and giving me a whiplash to the neck I started with weird symptoms and was later diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (FM) among other wonderful symptoms that make you want to scream.

I started going to church 15 years ago and started learning about things of God and how God can heal us supernaturally. We only have to pray and ask and believe without doubting. Well I've prayed and asked many many times and I just couldn't seem to get healed. Other people would get healed and I wouldn't. I would cry and beg, God please God heal me I can't live like this it's too hard!! and I wouldn't get healed and so sometimes I'd say "well at least give me a break" and I would get a break from my illnesses. I would go for prayer to every preacher that came around and still, year after year I still would only get occasional bouts of "feeling good" but then it would return. Once in awhile the thought would go through my head, does God want to heal me naturally? Maybe I should try to eat more healthier but I would always shrug it off as too difficult. I would have to give up too much. I have to eat something right? If I give up all these foods what would I eat?? I was uneducated in this, I had no clue where to start or how to go about it...and really deep down inside I didn't "feel" like doing it. I wanted to eat the foods I loved and so the story goes on and I was still getting sick a lot of days. Now when I mean sick, I mean in bed barely being able to hold up a book because of the pain in my arms and body.
A little over a month ago I saw this video of a lady, a very beautiful lady that was 70 years old and she looked around my age, and I don't look old for my age. She is a raw foodist, meaning she only eats live raw foods from fruits, plants and nuts and seeds. She has been doing this for 30 years and she looks so young and healthy with glowing skin and eyes and at the same time in church the pastor was talking on fasting for spiritual reasons and something just clicked in me and I started looking into nutrition and how different foods do different things for your body. I thought I really should try this, it could never hurt me to have a closer connection with the Lord and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt my body any. It can't be worse than it is now.

Before I started I prayed "God please help me to do this and not get bad cravings?". Cravings??? I hardly got any!!! And after the detox stage which isn't any fun but I prayed my way through it and God came through for me every time! Within a week of eating raw foods I had lost 9 pounds, my FM symptoms were practically gone, my skin and eyes were clearer and my mind felt like I had perfect clarity and therefore able to have a closer communication with God. There is nothing there fogging up and drugging your mind and making you sludgy and unclear. Now for me this did not last as the fruits I was eating did a number on my IC(bladder disease) problem and so I had to adjust my eating to balance my body for all the problems I have. This made me realize that we all have different problems and illness and what is right for one body isn't right for another. I am excited about this and I want to share it with someone,anyone that wants to listen. This is the same way I feel about God, I am excited about what He does for me and I want to share His goodness with others. Can't you feel happy for me? I'm finally feeling better. Is that so bad that I want to eat right and that I'm excited about it??? I'm not saying you have to do anything but can't you at least have respect and consideration for others that do?

I am sorry that I have to be so bold as to address this. I am not trying to hurt someone's feelings but I'm not going to stop because of your bad behavior and attitude towards it. And I will not let you try to disprove that eating healthy is well, healthy for you!! You know it deep down inside, I know you do.  It will not stop me from talking about it and from being excited about healing my body and being especially excited to see other people doing the same thing and new people trying to eat healthier. I really really believe this is a good thing for me and I believe it would be a good thing for you. I am not trying to push you into doing it but I want you to know that the option is there. It is up to you if you take it and if you decide not to do it I don't care either. I hope you stay healthy.

P. S. God heals naturally, supernaturally and through doctors

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lee Anne's healthy Chocolate uncooked cookies recipe

I was in need of a snack and I was thinking what could I make that would be still basically healthy. I had tried making chocolate uncooked cookies a while back and I hadn't liked them..they were too mushy so I decided to try it again and change the ingredients around a bit. This is what I came up with and they turned out delicious!!! Taste pretty close to the real thing!!! The texture is dry but moist, not chewy, holds it's shape well and is very chocolatey. Sweetened with a little bit of honey and banana.

This makes 6 small sized balls

1/2 cup oats or so (I'm not good at measuring anything!! I cook by taste, smell and feel!!! lol)
about 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut   150 calories per 1/2 cup
1/2 tsp of real butter (omit if you are off of dairy and add more banana)  25 calories
about 1" and a half of a banana more if it is too dry,  about 15 calories
1/4 tsp baking soda ,  0 calories
1/2 tsp cocoa powder, 3 calories
1/2 tsp carob powder (you can use all cocoa if you prefer but I find it a bit too chocolatey)  12 calories
1 tsp of raw honey (or healthy sweetener of your choice)  30 calories

Blend everything together in the blender.

Total calories for this recipe is..... 235 calories!! Double yummy!!!

No refined sugar
No dairy if you omit the butter
No nuts, unless you add some! Changes the calories drastically!!
No oils
low fat, low calories, raw food
How can you not love this???
 Next thing I knew we were eating them and I hadn't even taken pictures yet!!! lol  Good thing there were three left!

 See that lovely texture??

 There you go, have your cookies and eat it too!!! Guilt free!!!

Woohoo, have an awesome yummy day!!!

P.S. Prayer: “Lord, help me to appreciate and be responsible for the food I eat, to nourish my body as your temple. Help me to put you first in my life, above all other things, and have a healthy relationship with food so that I eat only when I am truly hungry, and turn to you to meet my emotional and spiritual needs. In Jesus' name, Amen”

Proverbs 21:20: In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has. 
Are you going to be wise or foolish? 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tasty green smoothie, yes there is such a thing!!!

I've been reading a lot about nutrition and I'm seeing everyone talking about this green smoothie made with veggies, mostly greens. Have you ever tasted greens? Can you imagine them in a drink? Oh yes they are so good I think I'll drink this...NOT. So I tried it a few times anyway just because I wanted to eat something really healthy and get all the benefits.The first time was alright I managed to get it down but the second drink was horrible and made me sick to my stomach. I think I'm having problems tolerating Kale which is a dark green leafy vegetable. So I decided that green smoothies were just not for me and concentrated more on other nutritions but I kept hearing so much about green drinks and smoothies and how good they are for you and that you should have them every day and I decided to try them again. As I was browsing on google for green smoothies I happened to find one that said, "Tasty green smoothie"  and I thought, "hmmmm tasty and green" can it really be? Curiosity won and I clicked on the link and this young lady who seems to know what she's talking about is explaining all the technicalities of why a green smoothie doesn't taste good and how to make a green smoothie taste good.
 Here is her video if you want to know more about it.

So there you have it, sounds logical to me so I decided to try it. She was right!!! It does taste a lot better than what I was doing. Taste like fruit instead of greens, YAY!!! I have just started drinking them everyday now. I try to drink 2 a day, breakfast and lunch and then I have a whole food usually cooked supper. That may change someday but as for now that is all I am comfortable doing. Having done the raw thing for 2 weeks I know I felt a lot better and clearer and would like to feel that way again sometimes. Now that I know what fruits to avoid for Interstitial cystitis I probably could do it but I'm not sure how long I could do it without missing my "warm" cooked foods, especially in the winter. I'm so cold!!! lol

Smoothies are so easy to make, you don't have to cook anything! Great for lazy people!! lol Just freeze a bunch of fruits and throw them into your blender and blend blend blend, pour into your glass and rinse your blender and drink up!! Yummy and healthy feel goodness!!!

We have to look after our body, it's the only one we have!!! When is the time? NOW, NOW is the time to do it, start today or tomorrow after you get your fruits and veggies and start feeling good. Just start with one meal a day and substitute a fruit smoothie and then later when you are used to it, throw in a green smoothie and then start having 2. You will probably start craving them after awhile, I know I do. Gotta have my smoothie. Sometimes after supper if I'm still hungry and I am craving something nasty I will make my healthy chocolate shake. You see my weakness before this diet was Chocolate icecream, I was totally addicted to it!! Had to eat it every night almost!! Thought about it first thing in the morning and tried waiting all day to eat it. I know, it sounds awful but it's true.
How did I let it go? I made a healthy smoothie that satisfied my cravings for chocolate icecream and now I do not crave it at all!! I actually have cravings for the healthy chocolate icecream although just once in awhile not everyday. I use 1/2 tsp of cocoa powder and 1/2 tsp of carob powder since I cannot tolerate too much chocolate.

Here is my recipe for the green smoothies that I make. This is 2 servings of about 12 oz glass which is 1 1/2 cups x 2 = 3 cups all together

I use a bullet blender which is just a small blender and so I have to do it a certain way to get this much.
You could always half this recipe for a one serving.

In the blender pour about 1/2 cup of water
a good handful of baby spinach, you can substitute for whatever you like
a good handful of romaine lettuce, or kale, Try to chose the most nutritious
1/2 pear, mango, or strawberries
7 or 8 raspberries
7 or 8 blueberries
1/2 apple  sweet apple for Interstitial cystitis
1/2 orange, less for me, not good for Interstitial cystitis but I love a tangy taste
1 tsp pure vanilla, without alcohol
1 tsp pure honey, unpasterized (best to omit for faster weight loss if possible)
I use honey with royal jelly. (Some people may be sensitive to the royal jelly)
Blend all ingredients until smooth

Now here is where I half this portion and pour it into a glass and cover the top with plastic wrap. I then put it in the freezer to keep the nutrients as long as I can. Smoothies are to be drank as soon as possible for best results but I think it's ok for a few hours as long as it is cold.
Take it out of the freezer about 1/2 hour before using to thaw.

Slowly add pieces of frozen banana until you have the desired thickness.
I love mine as thick as I can get it!!
Enjoy your smoothie.

Here is mine.

 This is what it looks like before I added bananas

Tip.... If you cut up your bananas with your fingers instead of a knife they will not stick together so much. Place them in a freezer bag and lay them flat. Works great!!

This is after I added bananas, yummy yummy!!!

 Now how could you not like this???

Hope you have a great and healthy day!!! xox

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My body is healing

I started a raw vegan diet on March 11/2013
This way of eating is known as 80/10/10. 80% fruits, 10%veggies, 10% nuts and seeds. It is not a diet it is a lifestyle. It is eating the way God designed us to eat in the garden of Eden before the fall. Clean, natural raw foods.

I am not a professional nutritionist of any kind but I have had so many problems with my health that I have been desperately trying anything that will work. When you get sick and tired of being sick and tired you will try just about anything.
I have fibromyalgia, Interstitial cystitis(a painful bladder decease), bad reflux problems and arthritis because of my car accident. I also have severe problems with candida. I also had to have my gallbladder removed a few years back and now I do not process fat properly and still get pain under my rib and back on the right side.

My mother died of cancer at 51 years young and my father died at 61 or 62 of brain cancer. Diabetes is crazy in our family among other problems, like almost all of us have Diabetes! Grandmother,Uncles, aunt’s and cousins,and my brother is on insulin shots. I do not want to die of cancer, I do not want to have diabetes or anything else. I want to live, but I want to live well. I do not want to be sick anymore so I started studying on food and health and what is good for my body. I am just learning as I go along what is good for me and what isn’t good for me personally. 

After being on the raw food diet for a couple of weeks, I was feeling amazing after the detoxing stage went by, and wow did I detox, almost made me want to quit BUT I was very determined!!! Anyways, the difference in my skin is the first thing I notice. Wow, I loved the clear glowing skin!! No blemishes!! Not that I’ve had many blemishes but my skin was more even toned and lighter color it seems. My eyes are amazingly clear and bright and it seems the color has changed somehow, very piercing blue compared to a haziness in the color before. Strange but good!! The best thing was that my fibromyalgia symptoms were practically all gone and reflux was way better also, no aches or pains anywhere!!!! I still didn’t have a lot of energy though. Unfortunately for me it was short lived, the next thing you know I was in bed again, feeling very ill with pain in my bladder. Sigh
So instead of giving up like it made me feel like doing, I got even more determined!!! I figure it can’t kill me by not eating foods I’d love to eat and so I continue on my journey to finding the right foods that are good for me.
What happened is that the raw high acid fruits were like pouring alcohol on an open sore. Where interstitial cystitis has bleeding cracks inside the lining of the bladder wall, ingesting any acidy foods like lemons, limes, oranges, tomatoes etc. will be very painful. I didn’t know this until after the fact.
So now that I know all the facts, like following the diet for Fibromyalgia and Interstitial cystitis now I know what foods to avoid.

For those of you with IC Google what foods to avoid for IC

For those of you with FM Google what foods to avoid for FM
I have got my symptoms under control now by not eating any of the foods that would irritate my conditions and I am trying different foods one at a time until I see if my symptoms start to return. I have figured out I can tolerate bananas! Thank God for that!! I love my sweets and bananas are really good for you!!
This is how I first started on the raw food diet.
March 11, Day 1
Banana orange smoothie
1/2 cup of distilled water
1 1/2 frozen banana
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract without alcohol
1/2 tablespoon of vanilla powder (optional)
1/2 cup orange juice
Mix all ingredients together in a blender and blend well. You may add ice if you want it thicker but for me it was thick enough. Consistency of a milkshake.
For I.C. is in a flare, omit the orange juice if unable to tolerate
I can get by with this one, once a week or so
Lettuce, onions, carrots, celery, walnuts and a few green grapes  (Omit grapes if you cannot tolerate)
Chopped in a bowl with olive oil and a sprinkle of salt for the dressing
1 banana
1 tsp. of almond butter
Carrot, orange, celery, banana, celery, parsnip smoothie
1/2 cup orange juice (fresh) (Omit oranges if you cannot tolerate)
1/2 cup celery juice (fresh)
1/12 bananas
1/4 cup parsnip
1/2 cup carrot juice (fresh)
1/2 cup distilled water
1 tsp. honey
Blend together in a blender.
1 cup cantaloupe

Detoxing badly. Headache and ill feeling. This in normal!

March 12.2013 Day 2
1/2 glass of smoothie same as yesterday’s but not as good as I ran out of ice cubes and
frozen bananas
Snack  no snack
A bowl of honeydew melon and apple slices with handful of walnuts and tsp. of honey
1tsp of almond butter 
Hamburger stuffed cucumber Vegan style!!! Delicious!!!
cut length of 1/2 cucumber in half and remove pulp and set aside
cut cucumber in bite size pieces. I did 4 pieces
Grind, blend, pulp your cucumber pulp in a food processor or I used
a onion chopper and it worked fine, just more work, but less clean up!!
Add 1 carrot,
small piece of onion
piece of cauliflower
, fresh parsley if you have some,
fresh garlic
hand full of walnuts
1 large fresh mushrooms
  about 4 cherry tomatoes and chop, chop, chop everything together until it is almost pulp like NO TOMATOES if in a flare!!
Add to chopped mixture 1/4 tsp. oregano,
a dash of sea salt,
1/4 tsp. parsley
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. rosemary
1/4 tsp. basil (fresh if possible)
a pinch of ground ginger
Chop chop chop some more to blend all the ingredients and
then stuff your cucumbers and eat it!
This filling can be used as a dip with any veggie or it can be used as
a ground beef substitute.
1 banana
March 13, Day 3
Healthy Chocolate shake
2 large frozen bananas
1 cup of almond milk
1/2 tsp. of cocoa
1/2 tsp. of honey  (you can omit or substitute if preferred)
1 tsp. of pure vanilla without alcohol
blend well in blender, makes a large glass of yummy chocolate goodness!
Stuffed cucumbers.
1 large cucumber`s sliced lengthwise and gutted
In blender
cucumber guts
5 or 6 cherry tomatoes (Omit tomatoes if in a flare)
small piece of onion
piece of cauliflower
1 celery stick with almond butter.
Veggie taco’s
I used lettuce leaves as my soft taco’s
I grinded really fine
a few Cherry tomatoes                                                                                                                            garlic                                                                                                                                         
piece of carrot
piece of cauliflower
blended everything real well
then I added my spices of choice
Chilli powder
sea salt
parsley (fresh if possible) I used dehydrated parsley
4 or 5 walnuts
feeling too full for a snack
I am not getting enough calories right now but I am not able to eat large amounts of fruits due to bloating from not being used to eating so many fruits and veggies…especially raw. I need to lose weight so that is ok for now but to maintain my weight I’ll have to increase the amount of fruits that I eat as fruit are more calorie dense than veggies. You cannot get enough calories from eating veggies for the biggest part.  I believe it will take a bit of time for my stomach to adjust and I am prepared to expect that.
March 14, Day 4
My skin is getting better!! not so blotchy!! Yeast problems are better!! Losing about a pound a day! More energy, feelings of well being between the bouts of detoxing!! Seeing old symptom`s arising but I know that is just part of the detoxing and it won`t last.
1 small watermelon juiced
2 glasses of juice
1 banana
1 glass watermelon juice
1 banana
Vegan Chocolate ice cream!!!
Vegan taco
1 piece celery with almond butter and a sprinkle of honey

In 2 weeks I have lost 9 pounds, not too bad. I probably would have lost more if I hadn’t ate as many nuts and oils. Nuts and good oils are still high fat, be careful!
Week three….not feeling well at all!! All the fruits must have irritated my bladder decease which had been in “remission” for a few years. I have to cut most of the fruits out to see if it will make a difference. My fibromyalgia symptoms are mostly gone but the interstitial cystitis is really bad. I can barely get out of bed. Sigh. Sometimes I feel like I can’t win….but it’s NOT going to stop me this time. I will find a way to feel better, even if it kills me!! lol

Ok I’ve been off of most fruits for a few days and my symptoms are about gone. YAY!!!
BUT not being able to eat the acidy fruits I cannot get enough calories from veggies alone and so I’ve decided to go to a different way of eating than raw but I will still definitely incorporate as much raw food as possible as I’ve seen how great the benefits of them are and I still have hope that maybe someday this Interstitial Cystitis and Fibromyalgia and Candida that cripples me will be gone through my healthy diet. One thing that is great is I AM feeling a lot better than before and besides that I’ve lost weight and am feeling slimmer and that always feel good! lol
The fruits I cannot eat for Interstitial Cystitis are:
This is just a general list of foods that can cause irritation to the bladder. Try to avoid anything that is spicy, acidic, carbonated or caffeinated.
- Spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce and pizza sauce
- Ketchup, mustard, salsa, soy sauce, worchestshire sauce, dressings with vinegar
- Spices such as oregano and Italian seasoning, barbeque sauce
- Chocolate
- Orange juice, cranberry juice, soda, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages,
- Oranges, grapefruit, peaches, cantaloupe, pineapple, bananas, nectarines, cranberries, grapes
- Onions, tomatoes, and green peppers
- Aged cheeses, sour cream, yogurt
- Processed meats and corned beef
The foods you need to avoid for Fibromyalgia are":
Limit Sugar as Much as Possible, especially refined sugars. So you will want to limit all sugars and this would typically include fresh fruit juices.
Limit grains as much as possible as they are metabolized very similarly to sugars. Wheat and gluten grains are the top ones to avoid.
Eat fresh foods.
It’s also a good idea to buy organic food when possible, as it’s best to avoid pesticides and chemicals. However, fresh is best. So if you have to choose between local, fresh, non-organic and organic but wilting – go with fresh, and clean properly.
Avoid caffeine.
Avoid nightshade vegetables. Nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant may trigger arthritis and pain conditions in some people.
Be Careful with Your Fats.  eliminate all trans fat and fried foods, as these will promote inflammation.
Use yeast sparingly. Consuming yeast may also contribute to the growth of yeast fungus, which can contribute to pain. Not good for Candida
Avoid pasteurized dairy. Many fibromyalgia sufferers have trouble digesting milk and dairy products. However, many find that raw dairy products, especially from grass fed organic sources, are well tolerated.
Cut down on carbs. About 90 percent of fibromyalgia patients have low adrenal functioning, which affects metabolism of carbohydrates and may lead to hypoglycaemia.
Avoid aspartame. The artificial sweetener found in some diet sodas and many sugar-free sweets is part of a chemical group called excitotoxins, which activate neurons that can increase your sensitivity to pain.
Avoid additives. Food additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG) often cause trouble for pain patients. MSG is an excitatory neurotransmitter that may stimulate pain receptors; glutamate levels in spinal fluid have been shown to correlate with pain levels in fibromyalgia patients.
Stay away from junk food.  Eliminate fast food, candy, and vending-machine products. In addition to contributing to weight gain and the development of unhealthy eating habits, these diet-wreckers may also irritate your muscles, disrupt your sleep, and compromise your immune system.
So there you have it… may be wondering what the heck would I eat…..there are still plenty of good foods to eat but it is a lot more difficult, you just may have to be more creative in making things you like.
You may think you can’t do this BUT it is what you set your mind to do that will get you through this and a little prayer to God helps big time!!  If you are not desperate enough to feel better and be healthy then probably you shouldn’t attempt this. If your heart is just not into it then you won’t find a way and you will stay miserable in your illness. I’m not going to lie to you, it is hard but not impossible.
Remember, craving foods you love won’t kill you, it may feel like it for a few days but in reality eating the foods that are bad for you will make you really ill and eventually kill you at a younger age.

Here are some of the foods I am eating without too much problems right now.
long grain brown rice
rice products, flour, cakes etc.
Bananas (I seem to be tolerating them, too soon, not sure)
coconut oil
canola oil
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt
spices (the ones I can tolerate)
garlic…easy on the garlic
apples (sweet apples for IC and sour apples for Fibromyalgia lol) I will go with the sweet as Fibromyalgia symptoms are a bit easier to bare than Interstitial Cystitis sometimes….besides that it doesn’t seem to affect my Fibromyalgia symptoms much.
flat bread  (made with buckwheat, water, olive oil and sea salt)
Healthy Carrot Pancakes ( recipe will be on another post someday soon I hope) Good stuff!!
Cocoa powder (sparingly) for FM and IC
honeydew melon  (not sure yet on this one)
corn chips
Mozza cheese and mild cheddar (rarely) I use nutritional yeast that has amazing health benefits
red, yellow peppers  (No green for FM)
almond milk
blueberry juice
eggs (I tolerate them)
cornflakes with almond milk (organic)
coconut flour
nutritional yeast
Chicken (small amounts)
Haddock (small amounts)
Mayo (I make my own or buy at a health food store)
relish (I make my own)
White rice flour
dates and figs…(not sure yet)
nuts and seeds (soaked and sprouted for better digestion)

I have figured out that with my symptoms and food intolerances I need a variety of foods. I cannot eat the same foods everyday, my body just does not tolerate it. Every day I try to eat a different breakfast so that I don’t get problems with these foods. Like for example, I have oatmeal one morning, pancakes the next and eggs the next and then cornflakes the next morning and a smootie the next morning and then start all over again. I try to do that with the rest of my meals also so I don’t get sensitive to any foods. When I was a little girl I can remember getting hives when I would eat too much oatmeal. It was my favorite food and I ate it as often as I could, but even then, although I didn’t realize it until now, I was sensitive to foods.

Today was a beautiful day and I was out all day digging in my gardens and usually I would not be able to walk at night due to pain everywhere and tonight I have little pain and I am feeling great!!!
 I hope those of you that are healthy do not take your health for granted and have compassion on people that have more problems with their health than you. You don’t know how good you really have it until it’s not there anymore. Having a day that feels good feels fantastic!!!

Now some people have a really hard time when you stop eating certain foods…somehow it upsets them. They just don’t understand how bad some people feel because of certain foods…it’s seems like they would rather see you sick than not eating the foods they think you should eat. Kind of sad really. I feel bad for their narrow minds. Come to think of it, it would probably make some people jealous I suppose to see you are getting better and looking better and they are not.

Like I said, I am not a doctor or anything like that but I have done my research and know that I am doing the right thing for my body. I’ve listened to a lot of different people and read books on people who are eating really healthy and looking and feeling fabulous so to me the proof is in the pudding!!! (For you translators it just means that when you see something good you will recognize it by seeing it with your own eyes and knowing it is right by the results of it)
This way of eating is not easy and may not be for everyone, but everyone can eat a bit better for their own good. As a Christian, we believe that our body is the temple of God and so we should keep it as well and pure as possible in everyway.
That’s all she wrote…goodnight everyone, hope you have peaceful dreams

P.S. I forgot to tell you all my perks of this way of eating
I am sleeping better
My reflux is almost gone
My pain is almost non-existent
I am more content
My skin is great
My face and body are more toned
My eyes are clear
Fat seems to be changing and going to the right places, bonus
My pain is practically gone (except for my crazy arm for the past 7months but it’s getting better)
My energy is coming back
My hair is getting thicker it seems
My eyebrows and eyelashes seem to have gotten thicker too
I have more feelings of well being
I feel stronger
I’m losing weight

Arched pinch pleated draperies and fake romans

These are arched pinch pleated draperies that I made for a lady. Her house is beautiful and well decorated!!
Pam's draperies 001
     This is fake roman in the kitchen
Pam's draperies 004
Pam's draperies 005
Kitchen and breakfast nook together.
Each have fake romans in the windows
Pam's draperies 006
Cafe de Paris, I thought this was pretty
Pam's draperies 007
    This is the window in the breakfast nook
Pam's draperies 008
The dining room pinch pleated draperies
               Pam's draperies 009
The window with pinch pleated drapes on the other side. Placed on a antique brass rod with finials
Pam's draperies 014
Beautiful dining area!!                                                  These are one of the hardest draperies I’ve had to make so far.
Pam's draperies 015
detailed view of pinch pleated arched window treatment
Pam's draperies 017
             Detailed view of rod
Pam's draperies 018
     Detailed view of fake roman
Pam's draperies 019
         Loved her large dark mirror and table!!!

Pam's draperies 030
          Close up view, isn’t it gorgeous?
Pam's draperies 021
The living room pinch pleated drapes in a different fabric
Pam's draperies 024
            close up view
Pam's draperies 025
 So pretty!!! This is  a new room, and the accessories are not up yet
Pam's draperies 027
         another mirror I loved!!
Pam's draperies 028
             It looks so cozy
     Thanks again Mrs. Private ;>)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Make your own great clothes easily-Skirt


This is a magazine cover I designed just playing around, although it would be fun to have my own magazine I believe it takes a lot of work and dedication to do it and I believe it takes a team of talented people to do it. So for now it will only be my wanna be magazine because I don’t have a team to work on it.
The sewing style I`m using is not your traditional style of sewing, everything is not perfectly sewn here but it is done quickly but still looks nice to have clothes to wear for yourself and your friends at a very low price. I would NOT recommend you do it this way if you want to be a professional.
I have been sewing since I can remember but I only started being serious about sewing about 8 years ago.
I worked for a Vietnamese lady in a sewing store doing prom dresses and alterations for 1 year and learned a lot from her. I then was asked to take over another lady`s business making draperies which I gladly accepted. I have been making draperies since 2003.

Although I like making draperies, my real passion is in clothing/designing. All my life I’ve been dreaming of making and designing clothes but I’ve never had anyone that could show me how it’s done. Living in a small place, there is not much going on around here as far as designing clothes goes. We also don’t have the schools and education for such things close by. So when the internet came around here and we hooked up to it, that’s pretty much all I did was surf the net for designing clothes, clothing illustrations, manufacturing clothing etc. I found Granton Institution through an ad in the mail and took a correspondence course in Fashion Design and Merchandising.
I really enjoyed taking this course. It was a course that I could do in my own time and so it doesn't put any pressure on you if you are working. I also bought any good books I could find on pattern making, pattern draping and pattern fitting and I studied them and did the work. I learned a lot doing this but I also learned that it’s a lot of work to make a pattern, finding your fabric and learning how to sew it up correctly to fit you properly. So I started thinking… how could I cut some corners, make great looking clothes in less time and cheaper.

I loved making the patterns from scratch but it just took too much time. 2 or 3 hours making the pattern and then placing the pattern on the fabric and then cutting it out and sewing it. It was taking me two days to get one outfit done. Too long for me, I want to wear my clothes NOW.

So having become familiar with how patterns look and an artistic ability, I laid my fabric down and could SEE the shape of a simple stretch skirt on the fabric. I measured half my waist and made sure the top of the skirt was the same size plus seams. I cut out the shape in sort of triangular shape using a ruler with the top of the triangle cut off on a piece of fabric that I doubled. I then sewed the side seams together and decided not to serge the seams because the fabric doesn’t unravel and I’m the only one who sees the insides and I don’t care what the insides look like and it saves a lot of time. I tried the skirt on for fitting and adjusted the seams as necessary for a good fit. I then hemmed the skirt where I wanted it and put in an elastic for the waist. Skirt done!!! done in a very short time!!! about 1 hour!!! maybe a little less if you are really fast!!!  
This skirt is for someone that has sewn before, not for a beginner. You need to know how to put in an elastic. If you want to know how to put in an elastic just Google, “ how to put in an elastic in a skirt” and you should come up with good examples of it.

*Fabric must be a stretch fabric
*Measure half your waist and add half an inch for seams on both sides. Sew your seams a half inch seams
*Flare or straighten the bottom of skirt according to your taste in skirts. Make the bottom line of the dress longer if you are curvy and shorter if you are straight (not much hips)
*Find your length that you like and add about 3 inches for turning hem (You could measure the length of a skirt you already own)
*If fabric is thin double all your pieces and work as one
*If you have a protruding butt, cut the back length about two inches longer in the back.
*If you have a sway back cut the front waist about an inch deeper slightly curving down and the back length about 2 inches longer.

skirt pattern
1.Use a ruler to mark the lines for accuracy
2.Use a zigzag stitch down both sides of the skirt so that the stitch will stretch with the fabric
3.Insert elastic for the waistband (see inserting an elastic in a skirt)
4. Hem the skirt to your desired length

sway back and protuding bottom
protruding stomach

my blue grey and black skirt and top 040

Skirt with a wrapped top to wear at the beach

The back of my wanna be magazine
I hope you enjoyed my wanna be magazine and that it gives you ideas on sewing your own clothes. Have fun!!!Smile